I believe the uri feature is now under "fetch" [1] and makes use of Mesos
Fetcher [2]. This should mostly work for our usecase with below caveats

1. Where to host - Most likely S3 with IAM based secure access
2. Corelate running service config with one in S3 - In k8s case if there is
a change in ConfigMap then the related pod would be restarted. In Mesos
case its possible that config may get changed later but Mesos task is not
restarted. This can be avoided by ensuring automation ensures that if
config gets changes then Mesos task is also restarted.

Current proposed approach would at least keep the config at one place and
bound to container lifecycle. As its useful for non Mesos/k8s setups ... so
good to have it in anycase. For Mesos based setup the fetch approach can be

Chetan Mehrotra
[2] http://mesos.apache.org/documentation/latest/fetcher/

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