I have finished the big cleanup of the user interface of the Go Runtime and I 
prepared some examples. 
One example was obviously how to use the OpenWhisk Client Go library (included 
as a dependency using dep). 

The library works without problems when I run an external test (because it 
picks its parameters from ~/.wskprops) but fails when I run it in OpenWhisk. I 
investigated and fond the library does NOT take its parameters from the 
__OW_API_KEY, __OW_API_HOST and __OW_NAMESPACE as I would expect.

Furthermore there is not an obvious way to map those values in the 
configuration. There is this

config := &whisk.Config{
  Host: "openwhisk.ng.bluemix.net",
  Version: "v1"
  Namespace: "_",
  AuthKey: "aaaaa-bbbbb-ccccc-ddddd-eeeee"

But for example, I miss the API version in the environment variables, I have to 
split the "https://xxx:443"; format of the API host to extract the Host. I can 
submit a patch to fix that but we need agree how.

I think at that

- least the default constructor should check if those variables are available 
before looking for a ~/wskprops.
-  we should agree on a (future?) __OW_API_VERSION environment variables and if 
it is missing assume a  v1
-  in the current _OW_API_HOST there is the port but  I do not see it the port.
- There are some fields I do not understand:

type Config struct {
        Namespace         string 
        Cert              string          // what is this?
        Key               string
        AuthToken         string  // what is the difference with key?
        Host              string
        BaseURL           *url.URL // Should I use Host or BaseURL? what is the 
        Version           string
        Verbose           bool
        Debug             bool 
        Insecure          bool
        UserAgent         string
        ApigwAccessToken  string
        AdditionalHeaders http.Header

  Michele Sciabarra

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