Tekton is different but very very similar. You get a lot of DejaVus. No big 
learning Curve.


> On 20. May 2019, at 17:00, Michele Sciabarra <mich...@sciabarra.com> wrote:
> Ok great, I see the discussion is starting to bring ideas.
> Yes my goal is basically to run existing actions in Knative, create and 
> invoke. And possibile retain the ability of an action to invoke another 
> action.
> I understand the different way they expose services, so I am rethinking the 
> idea of using a "work-alike" path. 
> If it is needed we can add it with an ingress but it may be not necessary in 
> the initial implementation.
> Also I checked a bit ML and discussions and I see this Tekton thing that 
> should be the preferred way.
> Not sure if I understand the relation with the current Build API documented 
> in the website. Is Tekton "compatible" or it has a different API?
> -- 
>  Michele Sciabarra
>  mich...@sciabarra.com
> ----- Original message -----
> From: "Markus Thömmes" <markusthoem...@apache.org>
> To: dev@openwhisk.apache.org
> Subject: Re: A plan to (re) implement OpenWhisk on top of Knative
> Date: Monday, May 20, 2019 4:50 PM
> Good discussion, thanks!
> Can we try to define what the desired end-goal is here? I'm a bit unclear
> what resembling the OpenWhisk API actually buys us.
> To me, the desired end-state would be to run OpenWhisk actions as-is on a
> Knative cluster (similar to OpenFaaS' and Azure's integration). There's no
> good way for us to provide the full API without spinning up a control plane
> and we can only handle so much via the CLI. So to me, the end-goal looks
> like:
> 1. *wsk action create* actually doing all the pieces necessary to run a
> piece of code on Knative.
> 2. *wsk action invoke* doing some HTTP call under the hood to "invoke" that
> action. The action should be reachable via a sensible URL. If we really
> want to keep the API surface (as I said, I'm dubious here) we can also do
> that via ingress level abstractions (like VirtualService).
> Cheers,
> Markus
> Am Mo., 20. Mai 2019 um 15:33 Uhr schrieb Martin Henke <martin.he...@web.de
>> :
>>> On 20. May 2019, at 14:55, Michele Sciabarra <mich...@sciabarra.com>
>> wrote:
>>>> Michele,
>>>> I like the idea to make the ActionLoop based runtimes to be runnable on
>> Knative.
>>>> My thoughts on this:
>>>> - I second Markus concern to implement the invocation API onto Knative
>> instead of just using Knative service syntax.
>>> Can you elaborate this? I do not understand.
>> Knative service syntax:    https://<service(in our case =
>> action)>.<namespace>.<host>/
>> OW invocation https://
>> <api-host>/api/v1/namespaces/<namespace>/actions/<action>
>> (I personally so no worth in inventing a distinct API for OW images, but
>> as said I would see that as a valid optional feature)
>>>> - I would have concerns to make it dependent on Gloo which is kind of a
>> minority choice for Knative load balancing
>>> I do not think it will be hard to setup a test also using Istio, I do
>> not want to be limited to Gloo.
>> I just wanted to prevent that Gloo gets a “official” prerequisite for an
>> “official” OW on Knative flow.
>> It is of course free to you to use what ever you want to do in your
>> prototype.
>>> - In my opinion the goal should be to have some uniform behaviour for
>> ActionLoop based runtimes
>>>> and other ones like the adapted NodeJS runtimes demonstrated by Matt
>> and Priti
>>> As much as I can tell the current implementation is just the building
>> and exposing the "/init" and "/run" but I can be wrong.
>>> The build can be of course reused, so it continues the effort. For the
>> frontend, from the documentation I think Matt wants to add a proxy, while I
>> would like to implemeent the "invocation" straight in the runtime. This is
>> open to discussion, but of course it is better to reach an agreement.
>> Also in the work of Priti and Matt the invocation goes directly to the
>> runtime. The action code is either passed with the call (not yet tested by
>> me) or set via environment variable in the docker build.
>>>> - As Knative Build seems be on a dead end I would propose to target
>> Tekton as the build system (which developed as kind of >successor out of
>> Knative)
>>> If Knative build is dead then it would be a bit unfair that they change
>> it as the scope of the Knative project!
>>> It looks like the goal is  to setup some standards! And I would be very
>> disappointed to know that.
>> Tekton evolved out of Knative Build (or more correct out of Knative
>> Pipelines) but is very similar to the Knative build.
>> Flows can easily be ported from one to the other,
>> If we target Tekton build we would target the platform were the Knative
>> build team is focusing on.
>> But again feel free to use whatever platform for your prototype work.
>>> At this stage the build is the more interesting thing, and it could be
>> even imported in main openwhisk to speed up deployment.
>>> I have already baked it in the ActionLoop runtimes (with precompilation).
>>> Also if we use Tekton, where is the Knative standard then? What is the
>> point? We can build our own system instead of "Knativizing" it...
>>>> Maybe it would be a good solution to tackle two things independently.
>>>> 1) Design and implement a common protocol of building, running and
>> calling OW runtimes on Knative
>>>> 2) Implement the OW invocation API on top of Knative as an additional
>> option for those who have the need to expose it.
>>> On this, for my personal approach at building things, I want something
>> that works and it is complete and useful. A "MVP”.
>> Cool. Just go on.
>>> So I do not plan to split the effort. Version 0.1 must be a minimal
>> working subset of OpenWhisk on Knative.
>>> Because otherwise there will be incomplete useless inusable pieces
>> around (see for example kwsk).
>>> It does not mean that things cannot be modular, nor that everyone must
>> but to me "openwhisk-knative" must be a single repo with all the pieces to
>> make something where you can download is and deploy in a kubernetes cluster
>> and be able to deploy simple actions. When this works, we can improve
>> incrementally and split it but keeping it working.
>>>> I would looking forward to work with you on the first work item.
>>> Great  but I see now more details to discuss before we can start. Most
>> notably I need to understand how I can build on top of Mark and Priti work
>> and continue their work. ANd I can even probably recover some of the code
>> of kwsk as they implemented some openwhisk api, that I want now in the
>> runtime.
>> I do not want to stop you in any way. My hope is that the action loop
>> runtimes and the “other ones” do expose the same behaviour when being
>> called. So that the users is not surprised when calling different actions
>> in different languages.
>> And behaving the same way might also mean to adapt the “other languages”
>> to the same behaviour as the action loop based ones.
>> They just should be uniform to be used.
>> When your prototype is accessible it would be a good point of time to
>> discuss this.
>> As said I very much like your effort.
>>>> On 20. May 2019, at 08:55, Michele Sciabarra <mich...@sciabarra.com>
>> wrote:
>>>>>> I have an idea for implementing a prototype of OpenWhisk on top of
>> Knative.
>>>>>> My basic ideas are: do not use any proxy, forwarding or adapter:
>> extend
>>>>>> the runtime to support the REST call and expose them as ingress. And
>> use a
>>>>>> wrapper on top of `kubectl` to generate all the needed components.
>>>>> Does this tie into the work that Matt was doing to the runtimes to make
>>>>> them runnable on Knative? Is this lined up with that at all?
>>>> Actually yes. He suggested I can investigate how to migrate ActionLoop
>> to port many other languages to Knative.
>>>> Also he recommended I add my idea and this is what I am doing. Current
>> code is, if I am not wrong, a Knative build of the nodejs runtime.
>>>> There has been a number of attempts and proposal to move forward
>> OpenWhisk. My idea that to succeed we need something small but that just
>> works. This is my idea to be able to implement in the shorter time frame
>> possible an actual subset of OpenWhisk that works and it is truly built on
>> top of Knative. So I am putting the thing a bit further than Matt work.
>>>>>> My goal is to have a functional work-alike of OpenWhisk built on top
>> of
>>>>>> Knative, using ActionLoop as a foundation. I will extend ActionLoop to
>>>>>> support the required REST calls of OpenWhisk.
>>>>>> I also want to create tool, I will call `wskn`. This tool will
>> initially
>>>>>> just a python script, a wrapper on top of `kubectl` as it will
>> generate
>>>>>> kubernetes descriptors.
>>>>> Why not build this into "wsk" itself? The Azure Functions CLI as an
>> example
>>>>> supports multiple deployment types like this in one CLI.
>>>> When it will works, yes, of course. But to start, what I really need is
>> a prototype that can generate kubernetes descripttors to feed to kubectl,
>> so a  simplee, quick and ditry, separate tool (that I will keep together
>> the runtime) is all I need for now.
>>>>>> It will support initially just the the action creation and
>> invocation, and
>>>>>> only synchronous (blocking) behaviour, as all the request will go
>> straight
>>>>>> to the runtimes. Hopefully also a subset of `package` and
>> `activation`.
>>>>>> Again triggers, rules, asynchronous for later.
>>>>>> The idea is that you will be able to create actions and web actions
>> that
>>>>>> can run existing OpenWhisk actions, at least those with blocking
>> behaviour
>>>>>> that run with ActionLoop (Go, Java, Python, PHP, Swift, Rust, Ruby,
>>>>>> Crystal...)
>>>>>> Implementation.
>>>>>> ==============
>>>>>> This is how I plan to implement it.
>>>>>> At this stage I want to use just Knative Serving and Knative Build,
>> using
>>>>>> Gloo for the ingress part. I also plan to install a local Docker
>> registry
>>>>>> Kubernetes registry, so we do not have to use DockerHub for
>> everything. All
>>>>>> of this can be done with existing command line tools in a few minutes
>> in
>>>>>> any running Kubernetes deployment.
>>>>> Why specifying Gloo here? Do you need anything specific from Gloo
>> itself?
>>>>> If not I'd propose to just keep it on a Knative Serving API surface
>> level.
>>>> I want to build it on top of Knative serving, full stop. Currently,
>> installing Gloo is pretty easy and is more  lightweight than Istio so I
>> will use it for my  first implementation.
>>>>>> When I create an action, it will use Knative build that will work
>> roughly
>>>>>> in this way:
>>>>>> - create a configmap with the action code
>>>>>> - build the actin using ActionLoop precompilation feature that will
>> return
>>>>>> a zip file including all the needed to run the action
>>>>>> - create a new docker image extending the runtime with the new zip,
>> using
>>>>>> Kaanico
>>>>>> - push the image in the local registry
>>>>> This feels like a fairly heavyweight process, we should be able to
>> come up
>>>>> with a way to circumvent zipping entirely. Maybe the runtime can detect
>>>>> that the unzipped content is already there and skip the unzip step?
>>>> Actually this is my first idea of how to use Knative build. And is not
>> complicated: when I create the action, a run a build that includes Kanico.
>> I generate a Dockerfile on the fly. The docker file uses the action runtime
>> that already know how to compile a script. And then I save an image. I
>> already implemented un "autoinit" so just launching the image will give a
>> runtime ready to run that execute an action already compiled.
>>>>> I'm fairly hesitant on the usage of a ConfigMap for storing the action
>>>>> code. It's all stored in the in-cluster etcd instance and it has a
>> limit of
>>>>> 1M. This is at most a stop-gap solution to provide a PoC I think. Any
>> ideas
>>>>> on how to "productize" this?
>>>> ConfigMap can be mounted as files, so it is an easy way  to feed an
>> action to a build. It is just an easy way to feed the action code to the
>> Build.
>>>> My initial constraint is that I want just to generate Kubernetes
>> descriptors to feed to kubectl.
>>>> Of course in the long run I can add some "file upload" storage.
>>>> If I could to this file upload when invoking a build it could ideal as
>> I do not have to store anything anywhere, just process the code and
>> generate a single layer to execute actions to be store in the registry.
>>>> I will investigate better this area, I understand your concern.
>>>>>> At this point you can run the action. ActionLoop will be extended to
>>>>>> support invocations in the format
>>>>>> "/v1/namespaces/namespace/actions/package/action".
>>>>> Why bother reimplementing this exact path? To obtain API compatibility
>> with
>>>>> OpenWhisk as it is today?
>>>> I want to implement a subset of the OpenWhisk API on top of Knative
>> serving.
>>>> Knative serving already does the scaling and routing, so what we need
>> are the "endpoints" to invoke actions.
>>>> Since I do not want to add additional components, not at the first
>> stage. Just knative serve and build, the runtime and a controller script,
>> the runtime is the natural place where to "handle" the API invocations,
>> since Knative only generates the URL but not anything else.  If I
>> understood well, Matt is adding a proxy. I do not want to add a proxy, just
>> add to the runtime the ability to respond to "API like" calls, at least
>> those regarding action invocation.
>>>>>> It will do all the decoding required to invoke the action with the
>>>>>> expected paramenters (straight invocation thrhoug the actinloop
>> protocol,
>>>>>> not proxies).
>>>>> Does this mean moving all of the Controller's "smartness" about
>> incoming
>>>>> and outgoing HTTP requests (see the whole WebActions for example)?
>>>> At least decoding web actions in the runtime, yes. Knative serving
>> already has routing and proxying.
>>>> So a true implementation on top of Knative requires IHMO this
>> sacrifice. Unless there is a way to keep the controller in a "Knative"
>> compatible way. Open to suggestions here.
>>>>> Each action will then be exposed using an ingress with its specific
>>>>> invocation path.
>>>>> If the community agrees with this plan, I would create a repo
>>>>> `incubator-openwhisk-knative` to work on it.
>>>>> Thoughts?

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