
Exciting times ahead!

On Tue, 4 Jun 2019 at 16:28, Dave Grove <dgr...@apache.org> wrote:
>  +1 Apache OpenWhisk should graduate.
> --dave
> On 2019/06/04 21:25:28, Rodric Rabbah <rod...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > After a discussion among the Apache OpenWhisk community on the dev
> > mailing list [1], we have completed all Trademark transfers, and we
> > are now in the process of pruning the PMC roster, completing the
> > podling status page and completing the project maturity model [2].
> >
> > Apache OpenWhisk entered the incubator on November 23 2016. Since
> > then, we have grown to be in the top 25 list of Apache projects by
> > GitHub Stars at 4041, have 229 unique contributors across all our
> > project repos, more than 2500 commits, and most importantly, our
> > community has grown and is diversified beyond the initial founding
> > contributors and organization.
> >
> > The project has come a long way in embracing The Apache Way, in no
> > small part to our dedicated mentors and the community spirit that has
> > grown along this journey. We are operating well as an Apache project
> > and so we should take the next step.
> >
> > As such, I am calling a vote for Apache OpenWhisk to graduate to a top
> > level project. If we agree that we should graduate to a top level
> > project, the next step will be to draft a Resolution [3] for the PPMC
> > and IPMC to vote upon.
> >
> > Please take a minute to vote on whether or not Apache OpenWhisk should
> > graduate to a Top Level Project by responding with one of the
> > following:
> >
> >  [ ] +1 Apache OpenWhisk should graduate.
> >  [ ] +0 No opinion
> >  [ ] -1 Apache OpenWhisk should not graduate (please provide the reason)
> >
> > The VOTE is open for a minimum of 72 hours. Per Apache guidelines [4]
> > I will notify the incubator mailing list that a community vote is
> > under way.
> >
> > Thank you.
> > -r
> > (on behalf of the Apache OpenWhisk PPMC)
> >
> > [1] 
> > https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/8daa3a05148f54ca82458777e2b2b5e25ba99d39dcf8ce7dd85d0188@%3Cdev.openwhisk.apache.org%3E
> > [2] 
> > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OPENWHISK/Project+Maturity+Model
> > [3] 
> > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=115526932
> > [4] 
> > https://incubator.apache.org/guides/graduation.html#community_graduation_vote
> >

Matt Sicker <boa...@gmail.com>

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