Hi OpenWhisk team,

after presenting wskdebug [1] in today's community call I would like to 
formally start the contribution process. There was agreement in the call to 
accept a contribution into Apache OpenWhisk.

If you couldn't join, I suggest to look at the recording from today: video [2], 
slides [3] and notes [4] (btw - awesome how organized you folks run this!).

Some relevant notes:

  *   The project has already been fully open sourced from Adobe's side on 
github [1].
  *   It is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license [5].
  *   We have 3 teams at Adobe using & supporting this tool and would have (at 
least) the following maintainers:
     *   Moritz Raho (signed Apache CLA, a few OW contributions)
     *   Jesse McFadyen (ASF committer)
     *   Shazron Abdullah (ASF committer)
     *   Alexander Klimetschek (ASF committer, a few OW contributions)
  *   I am tracking the contribution process in [6].
  *   Naming of the repository: openwhisk-wskdebug?

Let me know the next steps - looking forward to it!

[1] https://github.com/adobe/wskdebug
[2] https://youtu.be/Qtsi8VFm0uY (wskdebug presentation starts at 9:10)
[5] https://github.com/adobe/wskdebug/blob/master/LICENSE
[6] https://github.com/adobe/wskdebug/issues/2


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