The feature is to print the commit hash and build date like this.

        ____      ___                   _    _ _     _     _
       /\   \    / _ \ _ __   ___ _ __ | |  | | |__ (_)___| | __
  /\  /__\   \  | | | | '_ \ / _ \ '_ \| |  | | '_ \| / __| |/ /
 /  \____ \  /  | |_| | |_) |  __/ | | | |/\| | | | | \__ \   <
 \   \  /  \/    \___/| .__/ \___|_| |_|__/\__|_| |_|_|___/_|\_\
  \___\/ tm           |_|

Git Commit: 63a5498, Build Date: 2020-10-29T03:14:11+0000

I confirmed it is not being used elsewhere.

I think this is not a mandatory feature but a good-to-have feature.
Anyway, code changes are required to remove the feature, I am inclined to
add a to the 1.0.0 branch.

And it seems a couple of opensources such as zookeeper are also adding the
file in a distribution tarball.


2020년 10월 29일 (목) 오전 7:22, David P Grove <>님이 작성:

> After installing the gradle wrapper jar, building from source tar ball
> fails because the build of the standalone is assuming there is a .git
> available to let it generate
> > Task :core:standalone:generateGitProperties FAILED
> FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
> * What went wrong:
> Execution failed for task ':core:standalone:generateGitProperties'.
> > No .git directory found!
> There are a couple of ways this could be fixed, but my high-level question
> is does standalone really make "need" the information in, or
> is this a nice to have?
> Ie, we could either remove this entirely, or we could generate the
> appropriate file for the 1.0.0 branch, commit it, and modify
> the build to use the committed file instead of trying to generate it.
> --dave

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