We have this nice contribution by Eugene Tulika [1] which has recently
taken the endeavor of upgrading our project to Akka 2.6.12. Thanks Eugene !

Eugene and I work together; we wanna share some improvements for sync web
actions on a separate PR, but before that, there are two PRs to be merged
as prereqs: [1] and [2].

I'm opening this thread to discuss only the Akka upgrade at [1]. The PR was
approved a few weeks ago (thanks Rodric !). I'm leaving this thread open in
case anyone has any comments to add to this change, otherwise I plan on
merging it either later in the week, or early next week.


[1] - https://github.com/apache/openwhisk/pull/5065
[2] - https://github.com/apache/openwhisk/pull/5091

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