2021-06-10 13:21:04 UTC - Dave Grove: The akka version upgrade in the core 
repository appears to have broken a bunch of the downstream repos (for example 
all the runtimes as shown 
  We need someone who understands this akka mess to fix things…
2021-06-10 13:33:00 UTC - Dominic Kim: oh....
2021-06-10 13:42:54 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: we need to bump the akka version in 
all runtime repos (at least)?
2021-06-10 13:45:16 UTC - Dave Grove: probably.   I made one attempt at that in 
a PR that I had open 
  but it didn’t seem to help.    Leading me to conclude that dealing with akka 
is above my pay grade :slightly_smiling_face:
2021-06-10 13:47:00 UTC - Dave Grove: its a bit urgent, since its blocking PRs 
like <https://github.com/apache/openwhisk-runtime-go/pull/144> that we really 
need to get merged
2021-06-10 13:50:40 UTC - Dominic Kim: Seems the travis build complains when 
intializing the actor system and I found another version of akka-actor library 
in the dependencies.
Not sure if this exists only in my local though.
2021-06-10 13:50:47 UTC - Dominic Kim: 
2021-06-10 13:52:44 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: i’m building locally - should be easy 
to reproduce
2021-06-10 13:53:49 UTC - Dave Grove: thanks.   if we can figure out the fix 
for one repo, it should hopefully be easy to propagate.  (or even better figure 
out how to get the downstreams to pick this up from core without replicating it 
like I tried to in my failed PR).
2021-06-10 14:07:50 UTC - Dominic Kim: According to the dependency tree, it 
seems there "is" another version of akka families.
```|    +--- 
com.lightbend.akka.discovery:akka-discovery-marathon-api_2.12:1.0.5 (*)
|    |    |    +--- com.github.romix.akka:akka-kryo-serialization_2.12:0.5.2
|    |    |    |    +--- com.typesafe.akka:akka-remote_2.12:2.4.12 -&gt; 2.6.12 
|    |    |    +--- com.lightbend.akka.grpc:akka-grpc-runtime_2.12:0.7.2
|    |    |    |    +--- com.typesafe.akka:akka-stream_2.12:2.5.25 -&gt; 2.6.12 
|    |    |    |    +--- com.typesafe.akka:akka-http-core_2.12:10.1.10 -&gt; 
10.2.4 (*)
|    |    |    |    +--- com.typesafe.akka:akka-http_2.12:10.1.10 -&gt; 10.2.4 
|    |    |    |    +--- com.typesafe.akka:akka-http2-support_2.12:10.1.10 
-&gt; 10.2.4
|    |    |    |    |    \--- com.typesafe.akka:akka-http-core_2.12:10.2.4 (*)
|    |    |    |    \--- com.typesafe.akka:akka-discovery_2.12:2.5.25 -&gt; 
2.6.12 (*)```

2021-06-10 14:08:34 UTC - Dominic Kim: Then we may need this as well?
```    pluginManager.withPlugin('scala') {
        // Constraint all transitive akka-* dependencies to the one we want to 
use to avoid issues.
        // List generated via
        // ./gradlew :test:dependencies | grep -o 'akka-.*_' | cut -c 6- | rev 
| cut -c 2- | rev | sort -u
        def cons = project.getDependencies().getConstraints()
        def akka = ['akka-actor', 'akka-cluster', 'akka-cluster-metrics', 
'akka-cluster-tools', 'akka-coordination',
                    'akka-discovery', 'akka-distributed-data', 'akka-protobuf', 
'akka-remote', 'akka-slf4j',
                    'akka-stream', 'akka-stream-testkit', 'akka-testkit']
        def akkaHttp = ['akka-http', 'akka-http-core', 'akka-http-spray-json', 
'akka-http-testkit', 'akka-http-xml',
                        'akka-parsing', 'akka-http2-support']

        akka.forEach {
        akkaHttp.forEach {
2021-06-10 14:56:03 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: i see the dependencies coming from
```   |    +--- com.adobe.api.platform.runtime:mesos-actor:0.0.17```
@Dragos Dascalita Haut is there a more recent version of this library we can 
bump to?
2021-06-10 14:56:30 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: there’s one other akka reference 
coming from
2021-06-10 15:17:04 UTC - Dominic Kim: I am going to bed now :bed: ^^;
zzz : Rodric Rabbah
2021-06-10 16:30:31 UTC - Amndeep Singh Mann: Is it possible to make an 
inputted environment variable be a raw string (for a python action)?  I’m 
passing through an environment variable that contains a backslash that python 
tries to escape instead of just treating it as a literal character.

Specifically the process is as follows:
```...in terminal
export VAR='my\var'

...in manifest.yml
..all the typical stuff
  var: $VAR

...in main.py
print(params["var"]) # my\\\var```
2021-06-10 17:00:46 UTC - Matt Welke: I've run into this before with 
application config. It's not an OpenWhisk specific thing. If you're preparing 
an environment variable in a Bash script, you'll need to escape slashes. This 
came up for me for env vars that were URLs. I had to escape forward slashes.

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