​For performance reasons, you prefer the second option that I rejected
where users give a file and the system finds the deletes from there.  I can
buy that.

As for passing splits rather than files, that makes sense but seems like a
bigger change, since this should work with and without ACID, so I’ll leave
that for a later time.

I don’t follow your last comment about ROW__ID being projected out to the
user.  ORC isn’t currently hiding that field from the reader is it?


On Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 8:47 PM, Gopal Vijayaraghavan <gop...@apache.org>

> > The first thing that strikes me is that createReader takes a file.
> > But for acid, you need to pass the directory because it needs to look
> for any relevant delta files.
> The ACID 2.x impl, the InputFormat gets a directory - but a Reader should
> still be getting an individual file.
> In fact, it should be getting something smaller than a File (ideally an
> HDFS block) which is encoded as FileSplit (path, offset, len) and a
> ValidTxnList.
> In the original ACID impl, multiple delta files get a single Reader, while
> in the new ACID 2.x impl the concept of a "base file + deltas" is
> irrelevant.
> All insert deltas are equivalent base files - the base concept is (1
> Stripe) + (Relevant deletes) == 1 vector reader.
> There's no need to know which delete deltas were already read unlike the
> UPDATE ops (i.e Split #1 and Split #2 can load their deletes independently,
> without worrying about double row outputs).
> If a delete delta which was loaded is not found in the input split, it has
> no effect on the reader's output correctness.
> > I don’t like that the user has to make a different call in the acid case.
> You need to identify within ORC whether the file provided is a base file
> or a delta insert file.
> If the file is a base_xx, then all deletes exist in ./delete_deltas_*/
> if the file is named delta_xx, then all deletes exist in ../delete_deltas*/
> Those are strictly enforced by the ACID implementation & can serve as easy
> assumptions.
> Other than that, a non-null ValidTxnList is all it should take.
> >   the user will already have to have split logic.
> The part where the logic-splits off is into InputFormat - detecting
> compaction during split generation is strictly the InputFormat's problem.
> There's a bit of magic there which is in plain sight, like how the INSERT
> OVERWRITE works transactionally (HIVE-14988).
> For me, the clear division is to look at this problem as "Details about
> file names" (includes  HIVE-14535) and "Details about a Stripe" (Reader +
> valid-txns + deletes application).
> Everything in the middle is just the same as regular ORC, like PPD.
> From the other side of the mirror, the flat ORC API is pretty much a Null
> ROW__ID pruned already, with 0 deletes and Long.MAX watermark in the
> ReaderOptions.
> > implementation of Reader and RecordReader that understand acid
> There's an "*" to most of the above - a reader which intends to modify the
> data might need a different API, to be explicit that the ROW__ID is
> projected out  to the user.
> Cheers,
> Gopal
> On 9/13/17, 3:48 PM, "Alan Gates" <alanfga...@gmail.com> wrote:
>     I’ve been looking at the OrcFile.createReader method and thinking about
>     what I will need to do to read acid files.  The first thing that
> strikes me
>     is that createReader takes a file.  But for acid, you need to pass the
>     directory because it needs to look for any relevant delta files.  Acid
> also
>     requires a ValidTxnList.  We can add that to the ReaderOptions.
>     It seems the best way to do this is to add a new method
>     OrcFile.createAcidReader that takes a directory.  I don’t like that the
>     user has to make a different call in the acid case.  But the user will
> have
>     to set the ValidTxnList in the reader options anyway, so the user will
>     already have to have split logic.
>     Every way I could think of for createReader to decide if it was dealing
>     with an acid directory or a non-acid file seemed to create jumbled
>     semantics.
>     Does the user pass a directory for the acid case but a file for
> non-acid?
>     Yuck.
>     Does the user pass a base file in the acid case and the code walks up
> the
>     path to find the relevant directory?  Seems error prone and slow.
>     Related to this is my assumption that I will need to write a new
>     implementation of Reader and RecordReader that understand acid.  This
> seems
>     better than putting a bunch of branches into the existing code to try
> to
>     handle both cases.
>     Thoughts?
>     Alan.

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