guiyanakuang opened a new pull request #845:

   Thanks for sending a pull request!  Here are some tips for you:
     1. File a JIRA issue first and use it as a prefix of your PR title, e.g., 
`ORC-001: Fix ABC`.
     2. Use your PR title to summarize what this PR proposes instead of 
describing the problem.
     3. Make PR title and description complete because these will be the 
permanent commit log.
     4. If possible, provide a concise and reproducible example to reproduce 
the issue for a faster review.
     5. If the PR is unfinished, use GitHub PR Draft feature.
   ### What changes were proposed in this pull request?
   Please clarify what changes you are proposing. The purpose of this section 
is to outline the changes and how this PR fixes the issue. 
   If possible, please consider writing useful notes for better and faster 
reviews in your PR. See the examples below.
     1. If you refactor some codes with changing classes, showing the class 
hierarchy will help reviewers.
     2. If there is a discussion in the mailing list, please add the link.
   512-546 line
     if (diffBitsLH > 1) {
         for (int i = 0; i < numLiterals; i++) {
           baseRedLiterals[i] = literals[i] - min;
         brBits95p = utils.percentileBits(baseRedLiterals, 0, numLiterals, 
         brBits100p = utils.percentileBits(baseRedLiterals, 0, numLiterals, 
         if ((brBits100p - brBits95p) != 0 && Math.abs(min) < BASE_VALUE_LIMIT) 
           encoding = EncodingType.PATCHED_BASE;
         } else {
           encoding = EncodingType.DIRECT;
       } else {
         // if difference in bits between 95th percentile and 100th percentile 
         // 0, then patch length will become 0. Hence we will fallback to direct
         encoding = EncodingType.DIRECT;
   All three conditional branch logics have been completed and the return 
statement is redundant.
   691-704 line
         if (fixedRunLength < MIN_REPEAT) {
             variableRunLength = fixedRunLength;
             fixedRunLength = 0;
           } else if (fixedRunLength >= MIN_REPEAT
               && fixedRunLength <= MAX_SHORT_REPEAT_LENGTH) {
             encoding = EncodingType.SHORT_REPEAT;
           } else {
             encoding = EncodingType.DELTA;
             isFixedDelta = true;
   fixedRunLength >= MIN_REPEAT is redundant, the previous condition already 
ensures this.  
   Extract the writeValues() method to the end. It seems better for conditional 
judgements to deal only with encoding and state.
   772-781 line
             if (fixedRunLength >= MIN_REPEAT) {
               if (fixedRunLength <= MAX_SHORT_REPEAT_LENGTH) {
                 encoding = EncodingType.SHORT_REPEAT;
               } else {
                 encoding = EncodingType.DELTA;
                 isFixedDelta = true;
   ### Why are the changes needed?
   Please clarify why the changes are needed. For instance,
     1. If you propose a new API, clarify the use case for a new API.
     2. If you fix a bug, you can clarify why it is a bug.
   Modify code to improve readability
   ### How was this patch tested?
   If tests were added, say they were added here. Please make sure to add some 
test cases that check the changes thoroughly including negative and positive 
cases if possible.
   If it was tested in a way different from regular unit tests, please clarify 
how you tested step by step, ideally copy and paste-able, so that other 
reviewers can test and check, and descendants can verify in the future.
   If tests were not added, please describe why they were not added and/or why 
it was difficult to add.
   Pass the CIs

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