Hi Wagner,

On Wed, 30 Nov 2011 20:20:33 -0200, Wagner wrote:

I would like some directions on how to develop a event action when a
ticket is linked to a CI

could someone give me some tips, where to start or any help?

Hi, you should register an event module that listens on the LinkAdd event. An example is this registration in the ITSMConfigItem module (although it listens to much more events):

<ConfigItem Name="ITSMConfigItem::EventModulePost###100-History" Required="0" Valid="1"> <Description Translatable="1">Config item event module that enables logging to history in the agent interface.</Description>
        <Group>ITSM Configuration Management</Group>
<Item Key="Module">Kernel::System::ITSMConfigItem::Event::DoHistory</Item> <Item Key="Event">(ConfigItemCreate|VersionCreate|DeploymentStateUpdate|IncidentStateUpdate|ConfigItemDelete|LinkAdd|LinkDelete|DefinitionUpdate|NameUpdate|ValueUpdate|DefinitionCreate|VersionDelete)</Item>
                <Item Key="Transaction">0</Item>

Now on LinkAdd the Kernel::System::ITSMConfigItem::Event::DoHistory is executed, you can create your own module and execute business logic that way.


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