
ASF GitHub Bot commented on PARQUET-2224:

dongjoon-hyun opened a new pull request, #1017:
URL: https://github.com/apache/parquet-mr/pull/1017

   Make sure you have checked _all_ steps below.
   ### Jira
   - [ ] My PR addresses the following [Parquet 
Jira](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PARQUET/) issues and references 
them in the PR title. For example, "PARQUET-1234: My Parquet PR"
     - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PARQUET-XXX
     - In case you are adding a dependency, check if the license complies with 
the [ASF 3rd Party License 
   ### Tests
   - [ ] My PR adds the following unit tests __OR__ does not need testing for 
this extremely good reason:
   ### Commits
   - [ ] My commits all reference Jira issues in their subject lines. In 
addition, my commits follow the guidelines from "[How to write a good git 
commit message](http://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/)":
     1. Subject is separated from body by a blank line
     1. Subject is limited to 50 characters (not including Jira issue reference)
     1. Subject does not end with a period
     1. Subject uses the imperative mood ("add", not "adding")
     1. Body wraps at 72 characters
     1. Body explains "what" and "why", not "how"
   ### Documentation
   - [ ] In case of new functionality, my PR adds documentation that describes 
how to use it.
     - All the public functions and the classes in the PR contain Javadoc that 
explain what it does

> Publish SBOM artifacts
> ----------------------
>                 Key: PARQUET-2224
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PARQUET-2224
>             Project: Parquet
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: parquet-mr
>    Affects Versions: 1.13.0
>            Reporter: Dongjoon Hyun
>            Priority: Major

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