I archived all my code changes and retrieved the latest sources from svn. So, I should be running the latest and greatest code.

If you goto PDFBOX-490 <>, you'll find attached file filled.pdf that manifests this error, but I've been seeing this with a lot of different PDFs: display looks good, print looks bad. I can attach another file to PDFBOX-483 <> if you'd like.
I've tried that pdf and it works like a charm except for some misplaced characters. I'm using ubuntu linux, java 1.6.0_15 32bit and a HP Laserjet 2550N.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but your Laserjet 4P is a quite old model, isn't it? Did you update the driver? Has it a postscript option or is it a pcl only model? How much memory is installed to the printer? Probably that could be a potential

My printer is as old as the hills. <grin> However, I've been seeing this issue when I print to other devices, such as the Canon iR 5570. I'll perform my experiment on all the different printers I can find. If memory serves (and sometimes it doesn't) I ran the experiment on the HP 990cxi, too (with the same effect). I am using Windows XP. So, that's a difference (between working for you and breaking for me). Keep in mind, the copy on the display looks grand, it's just the printed output that looks bad. I hate working bugs that require killing trees to reproduce.

Can you point me to where I should look to see why text appears on screen, but not on paper?
Hmmm, good question. Perhaps you should try to find differences between working documents and those which don't work. Or you will probably find something that documents have in common which don't work, e.g. font tpye (true type, type1, etc.), fonts are embedded or not, font encoding (ansi, CID, identity-H, etc.), acroform included or not ....

I'll give that a go. Can you point me to a test repository of PDF files of ascending difficulty? Does such a thing exist or would it be worthwhile to create one?

Thanks again,


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