
Am 10.07.2013 16:18, schrieb Thomas Chojecki:
Am 10.07.2013 15:18, schrieb Andreas Lehmkuehler:

Am 07.07.2013 04:18, schrieb Jeremy Villalobos:

I imported the source for pdfbox 1.7 into Eclipse.  It went trouble free
for the most part, the code also runs on tests.  However, I got this maven
pom error for pdfbox

Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration:
org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.6:run (execution: default,
phase: generate-resources)
Sounds like an issue with the m2e-plugin, which is known to not support all
available maven features.
"Issue" since the eclipse plugin is part of eclipse. The logic of
lifecycle-management of the m2e plugin was split into so called "connectors". A
page that explain this behavior is [1].

In most cases it help opening the pom in the xml view, move the cursor over the
underlined error and let eclipse discover and install a m2 connector for this
plugin. Each plugin that "manipulate" the build lifecycle should provide such a
connector. If the plugin doesn't provide one, the only way is to ignore this 
Correct, but in some cases those connectors are still missing. The net is full
of users complaining about that. :-(

For triggering "mvn clean install" over console or the Run option inside
eclipse, no connector is needed. The connector only help eclipse compiling
sources on the fly like generating sources, add new source-folder or some other
build specific thinks.

I found this page [2] explaining how to install this "nasty" connectors. :-)
Thanks for the pointer, my "explanation" was a little bit to brief, sorry
for that.

I use pretty vanilla Eclipse (Indigo) on Kubuntu without much custom

This issue is low priority, the way it works right now meets my needs.
I'm experiencing similar issues. We eliminated some of them by adding some magic
to the pom. But there are still some left, depending on the version of the
m2e-plugin. I guess it is save to just ignore it if everything else works.

There is no need to do magic thinks in the pom. This is a eclipse specific
behavior and need to be solved inside the IDE. Doing such manipulation may break
the eclipse build. The right way is let eclipse install all needed connectors
(build-helper-maven-plugin in this case) so it can handle specific build
If you are using the "Quick fix"-feature eclipse will add some magic which has
no influence on the maven build itself. Our parent pom already contains one.

If you are using eclipse from the ubuntu repository and can not install any
connector, please try to download eclipse from [3] and try it again.
Goo idea. It seems to be a good idea to install your own version of eclipse
instead of relying on a repository version.


Andreas Lehmkühler

Best regards

[1] http://objectledge.org/confluence/display/TOOLS/M2E+Connectors
[2] http://zhentao-li.blogspot.de/2012/06/eclipse-fix-plugin-execution-not.html
[3] http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/

Andreas Lehmkühler

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