
find attached a quick draft of the board report we're expected to submit this

Any comments, objections or additions?


The Apache PDFBox library is an open source Java tool for working with PDF

General Comments

There are no issues that require Board attention.


There is a steady stream of contributions and bug reports from the community.

After adding Maruan Sahyoun and Thomas Chojecki to our ranks in March 2013
there weren't any changes so far.

429 (404 last report) subscribers on the user@ list
164 (160 last report) subscribers on the dev@ list


Version 1.8.3 was released on 29th of November 2013

1.8.3 is an incremental bugfix release based on PDFBox 1.8.x.


Most likely the next bugfix version 1.8.4 will be released this quarter.

The work on our next major release is an ongoing effort. The main topics are:

- switch to java 1.6
- modularization
- replace/enhance the parser
- refactor the underlying COS model
- code cleanup
- enhance rendering


Andreas Lehmkühler

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