Hi Tilman,
Thanks for the information. That helped me a lot. I'll work accordingly.

On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 9:14 PM, John Hewson <j...@jahewson.com> wrote:
> Great advice!
> -- John
>> On 23 Apr 2014, at 15:49, Tilman Hausherr <thaush...@t-online.de> wrote:
>> Although I'm only mentoring Shaola, maybe some of it is useful for Dimuthu 
>> as well:
>> From the mentors list:
>> ===
>> We now are in the community bonding period [1] which lasts until May 19. 
>> During this period students should learn about your project, your release 
>> processes, the Apache Way, how we do things around here, interact with the 
>> community and close any knowledge gaps they might have. [1] 
>> http://googlesummerofcode.blogspot.com/2007/04/so-what-is-this-community-bonding-all.html
>> ===
>> Here's a FAQ about Apache:
>> https://www.apache.org/foundation/faq.html
>> IMHO most important are "What is Apache about?" and "What is Apache not 
>> about?". (My personal addendum to that is "Apache is not like Wikipedia". If 
>> you've ever edited in wikipedia, you'll notice the difference after a few 
>> days)
>> https://www.apache.org/foundation/how-it-works.html
>> The roles are simpler than in that text, all committers here are PMC 
>> members, and the PMC chair (Andreas) is also ASF member.
>> Only committers and above have write access to the official PDFBOX 
>> repository. So the best would be to set up a copy on an open source 
>> repository.
>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_open-source_software_hosting_facilities
>> We're trying to be transparent. So stuff that deals with the implementation 
>> of the project should probably be in the ticket. To see what I mean, have a 
>> look at https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PDFBOX-615 and the related 
>> issues. PDFBOX-615 started with "I will be trying to add this functionality 
>> this week" but it became a huge effort by several people that ended 4 years 
>> later :-) See also John's remarks about my code. It annoyed me somewhat at 
>> the beginning, but at the end it resulted in much better code.
>> Note that you can edit in JIRA. See an example here
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PDFBOX-2039
>> i.e. you can modify previous posts.
>> Stuff that deals with PDFBOX in general is best in this (publicly readable) 
>> mailing list. The advantage is that others might answer you (if they want) 
>> when I'm working, sleeping, or not on the internet for whatever reason. 
>> Stuff that deals with java, svn and maven - e-mail me if you don't get the 
>> answer within a few minutes from google or from stackoverflow, i.e. don't 
>> waste time searching.
>> Using other libraries: this is OK as long as they have an Apache license or 
>> a compatible license (GPL is not). However we don't use many libraries, 
>> everything is already big, so if you want, ask first. (Sorry if you already 
>> mentioned a library, will reread your proposal again later) Of course it is 
>> always OK to temporary use whatever you want to just test a theory / 
>> strategy / algorithm.
>> Using other code: the code should rather be your own, but you can use small 
>> excerpts from stackoverflow.com etc but indicate it in your code with a 
>> link. Always comment in the code if you were "inspired" by other peoples 
>> code or algorithms or research papers, just look at the existing shading 
>> code for how I did it.
>> Don't forget the Apache header in new modules.
>> Your code should work on JDK5, so that we can use it in the 1.8 version too. 
>> So don't use diamond operators, lambda expressions or even String.isEmpty().
>> IDE: I recommend netbeans but you're free to use your own. Just make sure 
>> that svn (and whatever the hoster will use) and maven are integrated in it, 
>> this will make your life easier.
>> A personal recommendation from my student days in the 80ies: don't work all 
>> night. Such code was usually found to be poor/worthless after I had the much 
>> needed sleep.
>> Andreas: correct me if I forgot something.
>> Tilman


W.Dimuthu Upeksha

Department of Computer Science And Engineering

University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

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