No problem, and done.

They can be found here:

Java File:

The attached Java file should print true when ran on the test pdf, but only
ever returns false for me.

On Sat, Jul 26, 2014 at 11:43 PM, Tilman Hausherr <>

> Hi,
> Please upload the PDF somewhere and post the URL, PDF files are removed
> from the mailing list.
> Tilman
> Am 27.07.2014 02:35, schrieb -A:
>> Hello again. I've been trying to figure out this issue that has come up
>> for me and in my research I found someone posting on StackOverflow (
>> font-color-using-pdfbox) a similar issue where they could not read any
>> colors from a PDF. The user posted the code and someone else took it, ran
>> it, and reported that it worked. The users approach was different than
>> mine, but alas.
>> I'm not sure at this point what is going on. I have stepped through each
>> individual character and checked the PDGraphicsState object, and even when
>> I am looking at an open file with visibly red text (attached) the debugger
>> only reports DeviceGray. If I print out the ColorSpace name from the
>> PDGraphicsState this is what is printed - for every character.
>> I would appreciate if someone could perhaps run the attached text
>> stripper with the attached PDF file and report back if it actually prints
>> trueinstead of false, as it does for me. Since I saw this occurrence
>> elsewhere I'd like to rule that out - in case an IDE setting of some sort
>> may be causing this?
>> It should be noted that I began using PDFBox with 1.8.5 and had this code
>> working fine. Still with 1.8.5 yesterday it was failing. Upgrading to 1.8.6
>> yielded the same results.
>> If this is an actual issue I do not mind attempting to solve it if
>> someone may have a general idea where to point me as to prevent needless
>> meddling with graphics state objects. Or, if this should be reported I can
>> do that as well.
>> Thanks!
>> -Aaron
>> *Previous Message:*
>> *
>> *
>> *
>> *
>> I've attached an updated stripper file with the only addition being a
>> main function to test the class specifically.
>> When ran with the PDF I have also attached it indeed does not recognize
>> the red text.
>> At this point it seems that this issue is solely dependent on PDFBox.
>> I'll stay tuned for some insight hopefully. If any other information is
>> needed, let me know!

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