
> Tilman Hausherr <thaush...@t-online.de> hat am 20. Januar 2015 um 20:08
> geschrieben:
> Andreas, do you have the power to change configurations in SonarQube? My 
> wishes:
No, unfortunately not, we have to contact infra. Do you like to do so or should

> - that the run is at 1 AM instead of 8:39 AM, this way the people who 
> use it (who all work on DE timezone) can see the latest improvements / 
> issues in the morning (currently, they appear at about 10 AM)

> - that the "time machine" keeps a additional snapshot of day-3 and 
> day-7, additional to currently day-1, day-30. Reason: this way new 
> improvements / issues won't be lost if one forgets to look at it.
I''m not familiar with the configuration details of sonar. Is this supported of
"just" your wish?

> - change the title (currently it is something generic)
What title?

> Tilman

Andreas Lehmkühler

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