Hi Tilman,

that's very positive. Not only the number of failures is down by another 45%  
also the time has been reduced a lot. Might be a hint that some of the internal 
changes (parsing, closing …) and improvements in code quality start to pay off.

For the 79 files - could you be a little more specific which errors we get? Are 
these still the ones mentioned in you earlier post?



Am 23.01.2015 um 08:45 schrieb Tilman Hausherr <thaush...@t-online.de>:

> total: 231223, failed: 79, percentage failed (exceptions other than the 
> "allowed" ValidationExceptions): 0.03416585677769035%
> This time it took only 2 days instead of 4. Maybe the change with closing 
> made it faster?
> (This was done about a week ago, I forgot to send the posting)
> Tilman
> Am 05.12.2014 um 20:45 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:
>> Some numbers... it took 4-5 days
>> total: 231223, failed: 142, percentage failed: 0.06141257472336292
>> Of these, one can substract 33 OutOfMemoryErrors that happened near the end 
>> of the test. Isolated runs went fine.
>> about the rest:
>> 18 are the isSymbol stackoverflow
>> 9 are the getFontMatrix NPE
>> 33 are the "root must be of type Pages" errors
>> The rest is mostly related to very broken PDF files.
>> Tilman
>> Am 04.12.2014 um 14:55 schrieb Maruan Sahyoun:
>>> Hi Tilman,
>>> that's very good news. I trust a lot of time went into reviewing the test 
>>> results. wo your and Tim's efforts this achievement wouldn't have been 
>>> possible.
>>> BR
>>> Maruan
>>> Am 03.12.2014 um 21:04 schrieb Tilman Hausherr <thaush...@t-online.de>:
>>>> I've now run preflight on half of the govdocs files. Every issue I have 
>>>> opened on preflight is related to that test. The failure rate (exceptions 
>>>> other than the "allowed" ValidationExceptions) is down from 1% when I 
>>>> started to 0.05% now. Most of the frequent exceptions (e.g. the one with 
>>>> NonTermimalField) have been fixed. Whats left now are exceptions related 
>>>> to messy files, and some of the font related issues.
>>>> Tilman
>>>> Am 03.11.2014 um 22:58 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:
>>>>> Am 03.11.2014 um 19:00 schrieb Tilman Hausherr:
>>>>>> It is not looking good, there is at least one NPEs issue coming.
>>>>> No more NPE after solving the two issues I opened today except 
>>>>> PDFBOX-1743.pdf which is a known problem.
>>>>> Coming up soon: run preflight on the 231227 PDF files from digitalcorpora 
>>>>> to see what happens.
>>>>> Tilman

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