
Am 17.03.2016 um 21:29 schrieb George Sexton:
I was looking through things on my server and I'm seeing that my application has about 130 TrueType font files open. I'm running this under Tomcat so the process is persistent.

I've dug through the source code a little bit and I can see that AbstractTTFParser.parseTTF(File ttfFile) explicitly doesn't close the stream. I'm guessing this is because there's a way to do deferred parsing of the file.

I looked at o.a.fontbox.util.FontManager as well, and it looks like when it gets created, it's loading all available truetype fonts and at least getting the Font Names table to map the font names to the constructed TrueTypeFont objects.

Is there ever a point when the file input stream could be closed? Is there some operation performed on TrueTypeFont that would definitively conclude access to the stream?

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