Hi All Devs,
We are using PDFBox for evaluation purpose and are testing encryption /
decryption functionality of yours. We have observed a scenario when encrypting
a document that even when setting the setCanExtractContent() to true, the copy
command does not show up in acrobat readers. But when I open the PDF using
owner password, the copy command shows up properly.
The scenario means, if I allow the user who has user password to allow
setCanExtractContent to true, he should be able to copy the content via PDF
Reader applications like Abrobat Reader. Please find below sample code of the
AccessPermission ap = new
StandardProtectionPolicy spp = new StandardProtectionPolicy(ownerPassword,
Can someone guide me with this scenario if I am doing anything wrong or so.
Thanks in advance. Your help is much appriciated. Regards,
Ishan Pandya