The Apache PDFBox community is pleased to announce the release of the third alpha release for Apache PDFBox 3.0.0. It is available for download at:

The Apache PDFBox library is an open source Java tool for working with PDF documents.

This is the third alpha release for the upcoming major release 3.0.0 of PDFBox. It contains a lot of improvements, fixes and refactorings. The API is supposed to be stable, but we can't guarantee that there won't be any last changes to it before providing the final release candidate.

A migration guide is available at It is still a work in progress and we are happy to include any valuable feedback from our community.

For more details on these changes and all the other fixes and improvements
included in this release, please refer to the following issues on the
PDFBox issue tracker at

The full release notes are available at:

The Apache PDFBox website can be found at:

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