Hi Phoenix!

I've been trying to chase down the root cause of an issue that y'all
reported with HBase increments that have custom time ranges in
1.2+[1]. Right now this issue is marked as a Blocker and HBase is
waiting on it to continue our 1.2.z releases and start our 1.3.z
release line.

Long story short, thus far my attempts to come up with a unit test
that shows the issue all pass on the HBase side, though I can clearly
see the problem in one of Phoenix's ITs. I've been trying to track
what happens across HBase + Phoenix along the write path but so far I
haven't found a smoking gun.

Could someone familiar with the Phoenix customizations along the HBase
write path spare a bit of time to walk me through things? I want to
make sure I'm looking at the correct places on the Phoenix side.

[1]: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HBASE-15698


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