Did you download tarballs from Apache? Some vendor?
If you downloaded the Apache HBase 1.2.1 binary tarball, you will have
hadoop-2.5.1 jars on the HBase classpath. It would be good to make sure
you have consistent versions of Hadoop/HDFS on the HBase classpath.
Pranavan Theivendiram wrote:
Please find the answers inline.
On 2 June 2016 at 21:22, Josh Elser <josh.el...@gmail.com
<mailto:josh.el...@gmail.com>> wrote:
How did you install HDFS and HBase and what versions of each did you
use? It looks like you might somehow have incompatible libraries.
Hadoop - 2.6.4
Zookeeper - 3.4.8
Hbase - 1.2.1
I also haven't seen any message from you on the hbase lists (user or
dev). Make sure you subscribe to the user@ list before posting.
I sent a mail to hbase dev list.
Can you able to map what are the incompatible libraries from the logs
that I have shared?