For the other issue, there's no reason not to move up to more recent minors
of those HBase releases without the dependency problem as long as we don't
detect a regression by doing so.

On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 1:10 PM, Josh Elser <> wrote:

> Sweetness. Thanks for taking that on!
> Josh Mahonin wrote:
>> Re: the flume dependency, I suspect we can swap out the org.json:json
>> dependency with com.tdunning:json without too much pain. I've assigned
>> PHOENIX-3658 to myself to look at, will try and attend to it in the next
>> week.
>> On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 12:10 PM, Josh Elser<>  wrote:
>> See and
>>> for the full details.
>>> The summary is that I noticed two dependencies that we're including (one
>>> direct, one transitive) that are disallowed.
>>> The direct dependency (org.json:json by phoenix-flume) is technically
>>> "ok"
>>> but only until 2017/04/30 when the grace-period expires. Essentially,
>>> we've
>>> used up half of the time allotted to fix this one already ;)
>>> The latter is one that we inherited from HBase. We can address it by
>>> bumping the 1.1 and 1.2 hbase version -- but I'd be interested in hearing
>>> if others have opinions on whether we do that or try to surgically remove
>>> the dependency from our bundling.
>>> - Josh

Best regards,

   - Andy

If you are given a choice, you believe you have acted freely. - Raymond
Teller (via Peter Watts)

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