Just a heads up, here's the current list of release managers for the
supported HBase branches of our Phoenix releases:

HBase 2.0: Josh Elser (elserj at apache dot org)
HBase 1.3 (master): Thomas D'Silva (tdsilva at apache dot org)
HBase 1.2 (and CDH): Pedro Boado (pedro.boado at gmail dot com)
HBase 1.1: Xavier Jodoin (xavier at jodoin dot me)
HBase 0.98: Andrew Purtell (apurtell at apache dot org)

If you have a question about which branch to check your change into, please
@ mention the RM for the branch in question. Obvious, important bug fixes
can likely be applied across all branches, but this would still be up to
the discretion of the RM - ultimately it's up to the RM to ensure that
everything needed for a release is checked in.

Thanks to all of you for stepping up!


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