I created  PHOENIX-4881 to create a  guardrail config property based on the
bytes scanned.
We already have PHOENIX-1481 to improve the explain plan documentation.

On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 1:40 PM, James Taylor <jamestay...@apache.org>

> Thomas' idea is a good one. From the EXPLAIN plan ResultSet, you can
> directly get an estimate of the number of bytes that will be scanned. Take
> a look at this [1] documentation. We need to implement PHOENIX-4735 too (so
> that things are setup well out-of-the-box). We could have a kind of
> guardrail config property that would define the max allowed bytes allowed
> to be read and fail a query that goes over this limit. That would cover 80%
> of the issues IMHO. Other guardrail config properties could cover other
> corner cases.
> [1] http://phoenix.apache.org/explainplan.html
> On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 3:01 PM Josh Elser <els...@apache.org> wrote:
> > On 8/27/18 5:03 PM, Thomas D'Silva wrote:
> > >> 3. Better recommendations to users to not attempt certain queries.
> > >>
> > >> We definitively know that there are certain types of queries that
> > Phoenix
> > >> cannot support well (compared to optimal Phoenix use-cases). Users
> very
> > >> commonly fall into such pitfalls on their own and this leaves a bad
> > taste
> > >> in their mouth (thinking that the product "stinks").
> > >>
> > >> Can we do a better job of telling the user when and why it happened?
> > What
> > >> would such a user-interaction model look like? Can we supplement the
> > "why"
> > >> with instructions of what to do differently (even if in the abstract)?
> > >>
> > > Providing relevant feedback before/after a query is run in general is
> > very
> > > hard to do. If stats are enabled we have an estimate of how many
> > rows/bytes
> > > will be scanned.
> > > We could have an optional feature that prevent users from running
> queries
> > > if the rows/bytes scanned are above a certain threshold. We should also
> > > enhance our explain
> > > plan documentationhttp://phoenix.apache.org/explainplan.html  with
> > example
> > > of queries so users know what kinds of queries Phoenix handles well.
> >
> > Breaking this out..
> >
> > Totally agree -- this is by no means "easy". I struggle very often
> > trying to express just _why_ a query that someone is running in Phoenix
> > doesn't run as well as they think it should.
> >
> > Centralizing on the EXPLAIN plan is good. Making sure it's
> > consumable/thorough is probably the lowest hanging fruit. If we can give
> > concrete examples to the kinds of explain plans a user might see, I
> > think that might get use from users/admins.
> >
> > Throwing a random idea out there: with stats and the query plan, can we
> > give a thumbs-up/thumbs-down? If we can, is that useful?
> >

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