I'd found an issue several weeks ago: 
And I'm trying to fix this bug.
And after few days reading of source code, I'm trying to debug the related 
function of DELETE.
While I'm trying to debug this class: org.apache.phoenix.compile.DeleteCompiler
I found there's no test for this class, while I'm trying to write a simple test 
class for DeleteCompiler 

I wrote a class which extends BaseConnectionlessQueryTest, and I don't know the 
structure of simulated data in this test class.
I got an exception while I'm trying to run a DELETE sentence on `atable`

org.apache.phoenix.schema.ExecuteQueryNotApplicableException: ERROR 1103 
(XCL03): executeQuery may not be used. Disallowed operation: DELETE

Is there any documents to describe about how to test by extends this class?

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