Hiya folks,

There's a discussion[1] on general@incubator about the Omid and Tephra podlings, their decrease in volume (commits, discussion, activity), and what to do about them. If you'd like to contribute to that discussion, please watch on general@incubator and the dev lists for those podlings.

One idea that seems to have resonated was that the Phoenix PMC could "adopt" the codebases for Omid and Tephra.

While this is by no means a "done decision", but I thought it would be good for us to think about this, decide if it's something we think we want to entertain, and how would would technically do this.

As far as a PMC goes, we are allowed to have multiple projects under one PMC. We could move the tephra and omid repositories under the control of our PMC, and manage them just like we do phoenix, phoenix-connectors, phoenix-queryserver, etc.

Thankfully, with the work of the transaction abstraction layer, we shouldn't be in any position where Phoenix development would get "stuck" by work that needed to be done in Omid or Tephra.

What do folks think? Is this a good idea? Do we have enough interest to keep the codebases healthy?

- Josh

[1] https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/692a030a27067c20b9228602af502199cd4d80eb0aa8ed6461ebe1ee@%3Cgeneral.incubator.apache.org%3E

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