I like to know how I can transform a query sql  to a script pig especially when 
I have a query like that :
selectp_brand,p_type,p_size,count(distinct ps_suppkey) as 
supplier_cntfrompartsupp,partwherep_partkey = ps_partkeyand p_brand <> 
'[BRAND]'and p_type not like '[TYPE]%'and p_size in ([SIZE1], [SIZE2], [SIZE3], 
[SIZE4], [SIZE5], [SIZE6], [SIZE7], [SIZE8])and ps_suppkey not in 
(selects_suppkeyfromsupplierwheres_comment like '%Customer%Complaints%')group 
byp_brand,p_type,p_sizeorder bysupplier_cnt desc,p_brand,p_type,p_size;
or like that:
selectc_count, count(*) as custdistfrom 
(selectc_custkey,count(o_orderkey)fromcustomer left outer join orders 
onc_custkey = o_custkeyand o_comment not like ‘%[WORD1]%[WORD2]%’group 
byc_custkey)as c_orders (c_custkey, c_count)group byc_countorder bycustdist 
desc,c_count desc;

and I like to know how I transform the clause exists, in or not in to a pig 
operator and thank you ? 


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