If you want to add a new operator the right place to add the logic should be

Just a question, are you sure this code is correct? I can't understand how
it works.

cubed = foreach rel generate flatten(CubeDimensions(a, b));
cube = foreach (group rel by $0) generate flatten(group) as (a, b),

Gianmarco De Francisci Morales

On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 03:05, Dmitriy Ryaboy <dvrya...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Arnab has a really interesting presentation at the post-hadoop-summit
> Pig meeting about how Cubing could work in Map-Reduce, and suggested a
> straightforward path to integrating into Pig. Arnab, do you have the
> presentation posted somewhere?
> In any case, I started mucking around a little with this, trying to
> hack in the naive solution.
> So far, one interesting result, followed by a question:
> I manually cubed by writing a bunch of group-bys, like so (using pig 8) :
> ab = foreach (group rel by (a, b)) generate flatten(group) as (a, b),
> COUNT_STAR(rel) as cnt;
> a_only = foreach (group rel by (a, null)) generate flatten(group) as
> (a, b), COUNT_STAR(rel) as cnt;
> b_only = foreach (group rel by (null, b)) generate flatten(group) as
> (a, b), COUNT_STAR(rel) as cnt;
> ab = foreach (group rel by (null, null)) generate flatten(group) as
> (a, b), COUNT_STAR(rel) as cnt;
> cube = union ab, a_only, b_only, ab;
> store cube ....
> Except for extra fun, I did this with 3 dimensions and therefore 8
> groupings. This generated 4 MR jobs, the first of which moved all the
> data across the wire despite the fact that COUNT_STAR is algebraic. On
> my test dataset, the work took 18 minutes.
> I then wrote a UDF that given a tuple, created all the cube dimensions
> of the tuple -- so CubeDimensions(a, b) returns { (a, b), (a, null),
> (null, b), (null, null) }, and this works on any number of dimensions.
> The naive cube then simply becomes this:
> cubed = foreach rel generate flatten(CubeDimensions(a, b));
> cube = foreach (group rel by $0) generate flatten(group) as (a, b),
> COUNT_STAR(rel);
> On the same dataset, this generated only 1 MR job, and ran in 3
> minutes because we were able to take advantage of the combiners!
> Assuming algebraic aggregations, this is actually pretty good given
> how little work it involves.
> I looked at adding a new operator that would be (for now) syntactic
> sugar around this pattern -- basically, "CUBE rel by (a, b, c)" would
> insert the operators equivalent to the code above.
> I can muddle my way through the grammar. What's the appropriate place
> to put the translation logic? Logical to physical compiler? Optimizer?
> The LogicalPlanBuilder?
> D

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