Fwiw, I believe I've also been hitting the same bug that Dmitriy described.
In my case, I was running Cloudera's CDH3u0 build on a Mac.  I'll also try
to recreate today or tomorrow.


On Thu, Aug 11, 2011 at 2:39 PM, Thejas Nair <the...@hortonworks.com> wrote:

> Dmitriy,
> You don't realize how lucky you are! ;)
> I have been trying hard to reproduce this problem, so that I can check if
> the patch in PIG-2055 actually fixes the issue. I ran build+ (small)test in
> a loop for 2000+ times, and this hasn't happened yet.
> If this is happening (almost) consistently, can you try the patch in
> PIG-2055 and see if that helps ?
> Thanks,
> Thejas
> On 8/11/11 9:44 AM, Alan Gates wrote:
>> This looks like the intermittent Antlr bug we're seeing (
>> https://issues.apache.org/**jira/browse/PIG-2055<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PIG-2055>).
>>  We're testing other versions of Antlr to try to fix this, but until we find
>> one that addresses the issue the only solution is to do ant clean, and then
>> rebuild and see if it goes away.  We have also noticed it happens more often
>> when built on Mac than on Linux, if you happen to have a Linux box you could
>> build on.
>> Alan.
>> On Aug 10, 2011, at 11:24 PM, Dmitriy Ryaboy wrote:
>>  HBaseStorage is failing, and it's not something we did to HBaseStorage...
>>> Looks like the parser.
>>> Any takers?
>>> Testcase: testStoreToHBase_2_with_**projection took 0.34 sec
>>>        Caused an ERROR
>>> Error during parsing.<line 1, column 84>   mismatched input '(' expecting
>>> org.apache.pig.impl.**logicalLayer.**FrontendException: ERROR 1000:
>>> Error during
>>> parsing.<line 1, column 84>   mismatched input '(' expecting SEMI_COLON
>>>        at org.apache.pig.PigServer$**Graph.parseQuery(PigServer.**
>>> java:1597)
>>>        at org.apache.pig.PigServer$**Graph.registerQuery(PigServer.**
>>> java:1540)
>>>        at org.apache.pig.PigServer.**registerQuery(PigServer.java:**540)
>>>        at org.apache.pig.PigServer.**registerQuery(PigServer.java:**553)
>>>        at
>>> org.apache.pig.test.**TestHBaseStorage.scanTable1(**
>>> TestHBaseStorage.java:771)
>>>        at
>>> org.apache.pig.test.**TestHBaseStorage.scanTable1(**
>>> TestHBaseStorage.java:767)
>>>        at
>>> org.apache.pig.test.**TestHBaseStorage.**testStoreToHBase_2_with_**
>>> projection(TestHBaseStorage.**java:706)
>>> Caused by: Failed to parse:<line 1, column 84>   mismatched input '('
>>> expecting SEMI_COLON
>>>        at
>>> org.apache.pig.parser.**QueryParserDriver.parse(**
>>> QueryParserDriver.java:222)
>>>        at
>>> org.apache.pig.parser.**QueryParserDriver.parse(**
>>> QueryParserDriver.java:164)
>>>        at org.apache.pig.PigServer$**Graph.parseQuery(PigServer.**
>>> java:1589)

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