I have gotten the end-to-end test harness to the point where it runs basically 
all the existing tests and where it can be run from ant.  It can be run on 
either an existing cluster or in Amazon's EC2.  There are instructions on how 
to run it in both settings at 
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/PIG/HowToTest.  Please try it out 
to see if it works in your environment.

As proposed in https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/PIG/PigTestProposal, 
I would like to start migrating the junit tests that are really end-to-end 
tests (ie the ones that use MiniCluster) to the e2e harness.  I'll start with 
the very long running ones and work down to the shorter ones.

Also, as we contribute new patches these should include end-to-end tests that 
will run in the new harness rather than in junit.  True unit tests should 
still, of course, be done in junit.


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