See initial sections in for overview of logical plan.

LogicalPlanGenerator.g is a the place where logical plan is created from parse tree. You would need to look at antlr basics to understand that.

(almost?) all pig relational operations correspond to a subclass of LogicalRelationalOperator in org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational package. Expressions within a relation are subclasses of LogicalExpressionOperator.

This document talks about motivations behind the logical plan redesign and about some special operations like LOInnerLoad, and special handling for foreach operator.


On 1/29/12 8:41 PM, Prasanth J wrote:
Hello Everyone

I am a newbie to pig. I was going through, specifically
the grammar files to start off with.

I could not understand how LogicalPlanGenerator.g works by looking into the
grammar file. Also there isn't much documentation available which explains
how logical plans are generated for different pig operators. Is there any
reference from which I can learn more about the internals (especially the
logical plan generation part)?


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