We are having a meatspace meetup next week to discuss Drill, implications,
architecture and design.

We will try to have a conference call-in available for this, but recognize
that timezones are evil so we will also be posting summaries to the Drill
mailing list.  There will also be collaborative note taking going on to
facilitate the process.

See http://www.meetup.com/Bay-Area-Apache-Drill-User-Group/

Drill is very exciting relative to the Hive and Pig communities because we
are working to build an open architecture that will allow other systems to
make use of Dremel-alike execution models which should have big benefits in
terms of interactive analysis and dashboard provisioning.  The is already
substantial interest in Drill and contributors are coming out of the
woodwork with several companies beyond the ones where the founders work
providing commitments of developer time and an existing open source project
committing to folding into the Drill project.

There are bound to be other pockets of useful technology and/or code that
would be appropriate for contribution.  Jump on the mailing list if you
know of something that you would like to bring into the community.

To participate, subscribe to the Drill mailing list:

We will have a lunch in association with the Boston Hadoop User Group on
the topic of Drill.  That will be Friday in the downtown area.  Details are
still coming together on that.

There will also be additional meetups in New York and London later in the

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