Can you run `pig -secretDebugCmd` and look at your paths? I suspect there's
something going on there, like not having the right configs or hadoop jars.

On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 11:32 PM, Konstantin Boudnik <> wrote:

> Guys,
> I am trying to run TestPigTest against a fanctional Hadoop 2.0 YARN
> cluster -
> I can run MR jobs using Hive or plain MR examples. However, it is going
> somewhat unsuccessful. While using pig "far" jar file - e.g. with
> everything
> repacked inside of it - I seeminly can run TestPigTest against a real
> cluster.
> However, while using pig-withouthadoop.jar and adding all needed
> dependencies
> to the classpath, Pig is failing to communicate with YARN nor submit any MR
> jobs. There's no exceptions, not error messages anywhere in the logs. Have
> anyone seen anything similar?
> Any input is highly appreciated!
> --
> With regards,
>         Cos

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