DBStorage is not working with other storage in pig script. means DBStorage
is not working with multiple storage statement.

What I was trying for: 1) I was trying to Store one output using DBStorage
And was trying to store same or different output using simple Store to file
system 2) I also tried to store using DBStorage and using my custom store

But in both cases it not storing the data to database. If I comment out
another storage than DBStorage is working properly.

Even its not throwing any exception or error on reducer's machine..

Can anyone point out the problem?

DBStorage is not working with Simple Store to file system. Its only working
if I put only DBStorage no other Store Statement..

pv_by_industry = GROUP profile_view by viewee_industry_id

pv_avg_by_industry = FOREACH pv_by_industry GENERATE
    group as viewee_industry_id, AVG(profie_view) AS average_pv;

STORE pv_avg_by_industry INTO '/tmp/hardik';

STORE pv_avg_by_industry into /tmp/hardik/db' INTO
       'dbc:mysql://hostname/dbname', 'user',
       'INSERT INTO table (viewee_industry_id,average_pv) VALUES(?,?)');

Hardik Shah.

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