Begin forwarded message:

> From: Eric Baldeschwieler <>
> Date: June 23, 2013 9:32:12 PM PDT
> To: "" <>, 
> "" <>, 
> "" <>
> Subject: DesignLounge @ HadoopSummit
> Reply-To:
> Hi Folks,
> I've integrated the feedback I've gotten on the design lounge.  A couple of 
> clarifications:
> 1) The space will be open both days of the formal summit.  Apache Committers 
> / contributors are invited to stop by any time and use the space to meet / 
> network any time during the show.
> 2) Below I've listed the times that various project members have suggested 
> they will be present to talk with others contributors about their project.  
> If we get a big showing for any of these slots we'll encourage folks to do 
> the unconference thing: Select a set of topics they want to talk about and 
> break up into groups to do so.
> 3) This is an experiment.  Our goal is to make the summit as useful as 
> possible to the folks who build the Apache projects in the Apache Hadoop 
> stack.  Please let me know how it works for you and ideas for making this 
> even more effective.
> Committed times so far, with topic champion (Note - I've adjusted suggested 
> times to fit with the program a bit more smoothly):
> Wednesday
> 11-1 - Hive - Ashutosh - The stinger initiative and other Hive activities
> 2 - 4 - Security breakout - Kevin Minder - HSSO, Knox, Rhino
> 3 - 4 - Frameworks to run services like HBase on Yarn - Weave, Hoya … - 
> Devaraj Das
> 4 - 5 - Accumulo - Billie Rinaldi
> Thursday
> 11-1 - Finishing Yarn - Arun Murthy - Near term improvements needed
> 2 - 4 - HDFS - Suresh & Sanjay
> 4 - 5 - Getting involved in Apache - Billie Rinaldi
> See you all soon!
> E14
> PS Please forward to other Apache -dev lists and CC me.  Thanks!
> On Jun 11, 2013, at 10:42 AM, Eric Baldeschwieler <> 
> wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> We thought we'd try something new at Hadoop Summit this year to build upon 
>> two pieces of feedback I've heard a lot this year:
>>      • Apache project developers would like to take advantage of the Hadoop 
>> summit to meet with their peers to on work on specific technical details of 
>> their projects
>>      • That they want to do this during the summit, not before it starts or 
>> at night. I've been told BoFs and other such traditional formats have not 
>> historically worked for them, because they end up being about educating 
>> users about their projects, not actually working with their peers on how to 
>> make their projects better.
>> So we are creating a space in the summit - marked in the event guide as 
>> DesignLounge - concurrent with the presentation tracks where Apache Project 
>> contributors can meet with their peers to plan the future of their project 
>> or work through various technical issues near and dear to their hearts.
>> We're going to provide white boards and message boards and let folks take it 
>> from there in an unconference style.  We think there will be room for about 
>> 4 groups to meet at once.  Interested? Let me know what you think.  Send me 
>> any ideas for how we can make this work best for you.
>> The room will be 231A and B at the Hadoop Summit and will run from 10:30am 
>> to 5:00pm on Day 1 (26th June), and we can also run from 10:30am to 5:00pm 
>> on Day 2 (27th June) if we have a lot of topics that folk want to cover.
>> Some of the early topics some folks told me they hope can be covered:
>>      • Hadoop Core security proposals.  There are a couple of detailed 
>> proposals circulating.  Let's get together and hash out the differences.
>>      • Accumulo 1.6 features
>>      • The Hive vectorization project.  Discussion of the design and how to 
>> phase it in incrementally with minimum complexity.
>>      • Finishing Yarn - what things need to get done NOW to make Yarn more 
>> effective
>> If you are a project lead for one of the Apache projects, look at the 
>> schedule below and suggest a few slots when you think it would be best for 
>> your project to meet.  I'll try to work out a schedule where no more than 2 
>> projects are using the lounge at once.  
>> Day 1, 26th June: 10:30am - 12:30pm, 1:45pm - 3:30pm, 3:45pm - 5:00pm
>> Day 2, 27th June: 10:30am - 12:30pm, 1:45pm - 3:30pm, 3:45pm - 5:00pm
>> It will be up to you, the hadoop contributors, from there.
>> Look forward to seeing you all at the summit,
>> E14
>> PS Please forward to the other -dev lists.  This event is for folks on the 
>> -dev lists.

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