On the second question, PIG-3136 did something similar with a little extra

On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 3:05 PM, Aniket Mokashi <aniket...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I found out today that:
> a = store b into 'something';
> is a valid statement in pig.
> Is that expected? Should we open a jira to flag error for such a syntax?
> Optionally, we can officially support above syntax and allow doing
> something meaningful with a later on.
> On a side note, we can make all the statements except load have optional
> aliases (just a thought)-
> So, essentially,
> foreach b generate something;
> would be equivalent to
> b = foreach b generate something;
> [May be there is some discussion about this on some jira, I haven't tried
> to search].
> Thanks,
> Aniket

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