
Vivek Padmanabhan commented on PIG-3486:

Hi Ankit/Daniel,
 Thanks for looking into this. 
Meanwhile, is the current patch safe to be applied to our cluster for Pig 
0.11.1 . All basic tests are not having any issues, not sure of any cases that 
I have missed.

> Pig hitting OOM while using PigRunner.run()
> -------------------------------------------
>                 Key: PIG-3486
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PIG-3486
>             Project: Pig
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 0.11.1
>            Reporter: Vivek Padmanabhan
>         Attachments: histolive.txt, PIG-3486.patch1
> I have a timer based class, which will trigger a pig script execution every 5 
> minutes using PigRunner.run(args, null).
> But it looks like the heap usage is gradually increasing after around 15days 
> it crossed 1G, ie after invoking the above method 4k times.
> The top entries of the histo live goes like this;
>  num     #instances         #bytes  class name
> ----------------------------------------------
>    1:       2430178      433053080  [C
>    2:       3055280       97768960  java.util.Hashtable$Entry
>    3:       2454870       78555840  java.lang.String
>    4:       1585204       50726528  java.util.HashMap$Entry
>    5:        260310       37503984  <constMethodKlass>
>    6:        260310       35413536  <methodKlass>
>    7:         35024       23724672  [Ljava.util.Hashtable$Entry;
>    8:          7599       18141016  <constantPoolKlass>
>    9:         47551       18066696  [Ljava.util.HashMap$Entry;
>   10:        209516       16761280  java.lang.reflect.Method
>   11:        212292       16732008  [I
>   12:          6881       11332896  <constantPoolCacheKlass>
>   13:          7599        7160920  <instanceKlassKlass>
>   14:         79412        4447072  java.util.ResourceBundle$CacheKey
>   15:         10787        3958464  [S
>   16:         79412        3811776  java.util.ResourceBundle$BundleReference
>   17:         26634        3458160  [B
>   18:        133701        3208824  java.util.LinkedList$Node
>   19:         85492        2735744  
> java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$HashEntry
>   20:         79412        2541184  java.util.ResourceBundle$LoaderReference
>   21:         47515        2280720  java.util.HashMap
>   22:         37298        2274416  [Ljava.lang.Object;
>   23:         70638        2260416  java.util.LinkedList
>   24:          2949        1994376  <methodDataKlass>
>   25:          7914        1749080  java.lang.Class
>   26:         62746        1505904  
> org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger
>   27:         16639        1463824  [[I
>   28:         21279        1361856  java.net.URL
>   29:         28090        1348320  java.util.Hashtable
>   30:         14167        1231856  [Ljava.util.WeakHashMap$Entry;
>   31:         17770         710800  java.lang.ref.Finalizer
>   32:         10626         680064  java.util.jar.JarFile
>   33:         14167         680016  java.util.WeakHashMap
>   34:         14238         569520  java.util.WeakHashMap$Entry
>   35:          7104         568320  java.util.jar.JarFile$JarFileEntry
>   36:           165         567264  
> [Ljava.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$HashEntry;
>   37:         10637         510576  sun.nio.cs.UTF_8$Encoder
>   38:         10633         510384  sun.misc.URLClassPath$JarLoader
>   39:         14176         453632  java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue
>   40:         17747         409752  [Ljava.lang.Class;
>   41:          3463         387856  
> org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.MapReduceLauncher$HangingJobKiller
>   42:         15355         368520  java.util.ArrayList
>   43:         10632         340224  java.util.zip.ZipCoder
>   44:          6932         332736  java.util.Properties
>   45:          4060         292320  java.lang.reflect.Constructor
>   46:          7143         285720  java.util.LinkedHashMap$Entry
>   47:          3517         281360  
> org.apache.pig.impl.PigContext$ContextClassLoader
>   48:          3476         278144  
> [Ljava.lang.ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap$Entry;
>   49:          3458         276640  java.net.URI
>   50:          8576         274432  antlr.ANTLRHashString
>   51:         10632         255168  java.util.ArrayDeque
> There are way too many instances of MapReduceLauncher$HangingJobKiller.

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