Pig does not have access to Hive’s metastore to locate default functions, so 
you will have to use the full class name.


> On Apr 13, 2016, at 01:51, Siddhi Mehta <sm26...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Guys,
> I have created a custom Hive UDF and have registered it as a permanent
> function using
> CREATE FUNCTION myfunc AS 'com.package.mycustomfunc' USING JAR
> 'applog-udf.jar', FILE 'distributedcachedir;
> I want to make use of the same hive udf in pig as per jira PIG-3294
> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PIG-3294>.
> I am able to successfully use the udf if I define it using the full class
> name
> define myfunc HiveUDF('com.package.mycustomfunc');
> My assumption was that custom UDF's can also be defined using the
> functionName/alias rather than the classname.
> When I try to do the same I keep getting errors since it cannot resolve the
> udf name using builtins
> define myfunc HiveUDF('default.myfunc');
> Is this assumption correct or do custom hive udf's need to be referenced
> via their full class name
> --Siddhi

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