<h3><u>#general</u></h3><br><strong>@mayanks: </strong>Hello Pinot community, 
we at LinkedIn, are planning to host a Virtual Meetup for Apache Pinot on Aug 
27. We would like to have one presenter from the community share their 
success-story/journey/etc with Pinot. Please reply to this thread if you would 
be interested in speaking, with a brief on what you would like to talk 
about.<br><strong>@christian: </strong>@christian has joined the 
channel<br><strong>@qiaochu: </strong>@qiaochu has joined the 
channel<br><h3><u>#random</u></h3><br><strong>@christian: </strong>@christian 
has joined the channel<br><strong>@qiaochu: </strong>@qiaochu has joined the 
</strong>@christian has joined the 
</strong>can someone help me about maven enforcer rules? 
:disappointed:<br><strong>@yash.agarwal: </strong>I am getting the following 
exception when querying the controller with a specific sql query.
```Caught exception while sending query request
java.io.IOException: Failed : HTTP error code : 500
If I directly query the broker I am getting

        &lt;title&gt;Grizzly 2.4.4&lt;/title&gt;
 10px;border-top-left-radius: 10px;-moz-border-radius-topright: 
10px;border-top-right-radius: 10px;padding-left: 5px}div.body 
 10px;border-bottom-left-radius: 10px;-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 
10px;border-bottom-right-radius: 10px;padding-left: 5px}BODY 
{font-family:Tahoma,Arial,sans-serif;color:black;}A {color : black;}HR {color : 

        &lt;div class="header"&gt;Request failed.&lt;/div&gt;
        &lt;div class="body"&gt;Request failed.&lt;/div&gt;
        &lt;div class="footer"&gt;Grizzly 2.4.4&lt;/div&gt;

I have recently added a config in broker
Any Ideas ?<br><strong>@yash.agarwal: </strong>There are no logs in broker. 
Other queries are working fine, this query would scan 1.7 Bil recods and do a 
sum of 3 metrics and distinctcount of 1 dimension<br><strong>@yash.agarwal: 
</strong>It might be because of high memory usage on broker. as i am seeing 
usage spikes upto 60 - 80 %<br><strong>@mayanks: </strong>Yes, distinctcount on 
1.7B records may the likely issue. Have you considered using HLL based 
approximate distinctcount?<br><strong>@yash.agarwal: </strong>We have tried HLL 
in the past. We are not looking for approximations.<br><strong>@yash.agarwal: 
</strong>Also seems like that is the problem, I tried without the distinctcount 
and it is returning successfully in 2 secs.<br><strong>@mailtobuchi: 
</strong>@mailtobuchi has left the channel<br><strong>@christian: 
</strong>@christian has joined the 
channel<br><h3><u>#pinot-dev</u></h3><br><strong>@mayanks: </strong>`mvn clean 
install -DskipTests -Pbin-dist` takes awfully long time, it seems to have 
creeped up quite a bit over the years. Any ideas on how to make the build 
faster?<br><strong>@dlavoie: </strong>~ 10 minutes on my own CI server.

```[INFO] Pinot .............................................. SUCCESS [ 22.428 
[INFO] Pinot Service Provider Interface ................... SUCCESS [  7.931 s]
[INFO] Pinot Common ....................................... SUCCESS [ 32.668 s]
[INFO] Pinot Plugins ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.563 s]
[INFO] Pinot Input Format ................................. SUCCESS [  0.510 s]
[INFO] Pinot Avro Base .................................... SUCCESS [  1.694 s]
[INFO] Pinot Avro ......................................... SUCCESS [  5.284 s]
[INFO] Pinot Csv .......................................... SUCCESS [  0.844 s]
[INFO] Pinot JSON ......................................... SUCCESS [  0.738 s]
[INFO] Pinot Core ......................................... SUCCESS [ 22.112 s]
[INFO] Pinot Server ....................................... SUCCESS [  9.760 s]
[INFO] Pinot Controller ................................... SUCCESS [01:25 min]
[INFO] Pinot Broker ....................................... SUCCESS [  4.878 s]
[INFO] Pinot Clients ...................................... SUCCESS [  0.230 s]
[INFO] Pinot Java Client .................................. SUCCESS [  0.750 s]
[INFO] Pinot JDBC Client .................................. SUCCESS [  0.975 s]
[INFO] Pinot Minion ....................................... SUCCESS [  2.538 s]
[INFO] Pinot Confluent Avro ............................... SUCCESS [  3.746 s]
[INFO] Pinot ORC .......................................... SUCCESS [  4.028 s]
[INFO] Pinot Parquet ...................................... SUCCESS [  6.670 s]
[INFO] Pinot Thrift ....................................... SUCCESS [  1.268 s]
[INFO] Pinot Protocol Buffers ............................. SUCCESS [  1.329 s]
[INFO] Pluggable Pinot file system ........................ SUCCESS [  0.354 s]
[INFO] Pinot Azure Data Lake Storage ...................... SUCCESS [  5.128 s]
[INFO] Pinot Hadoop Filesystem ............................ SUCCESS [  1.115 s]
[INFO] Pinot Google Cloud Storage ......................... SUCCESS [  5.645 s]
[INFO] Pinot Amazon S3 .................................... SUCCESS [ 11.483 s]
[INFO] Pinot Batch Ingestion .............................. SUCCESS [  0.568 s]
[INFO] Pinot Batch Ingestion Common ....................... SUCCESS [  0.785 s]
[INFO] Pinot Batch Ingestion for Spark .................... SUCCESS [ 11.263 s]
[INFO] Pinot Batch Ingestion for Hadoop ................... SUCCESS [  3.663 s]
[INFO] Pinot Batch Ingestion Standalone ................... SUCCESS [  0.985 s]
[INFO] Pinot Batch Ingestion .............................. SUCCESS [  0.448 s]
[INFO] Pinot Ingestion Common ............................. SUCCESS [  1.763 s]
[INFO] Pinot Hadoop ....................................... SUCCESS [ 34.624 s]
[INFO] Pinot Spark ........................................ SUCCESS [ 35.108 s]
[INFO] Pinot Stream Ingestion ............................. SUCCESS [  0.581 s]
[INFO] Pinot Kafka Base ................................... SUCCESS [  1.323 s]
[INFO] Pinot Kafka 0.9 .................................... SUCCESS [  9.815 s]
[INFO] Pinot Kafka 2.0 .................................... SUCCESS [  5.919 s]
[INFO] Pinot Tools ........................................ SUCCESS [01:47 min]
[INFO] Pinot Integration Tests ............................ SUCCESS [ 18.378 s]
[INFO] Pinot Perf ......................................... SUCCESS [  7.437 s]
[INFO] Pinot Distribution ................................. SUCCESS [ 38.707 
Overall Pinot Controller and Pinot tools are the suspects<br><strong>@dlavoie: 
</strong>Oh wait, don't mind that, it's a `mvn deploy` command to my personal 
artifactory.<br><strong>@g.kishore: </strong>shaded jars take 
time<br><strong>@dlavoie: </strong>If we had proper version definition and not 
placeholders, maybe you could rebuild module selectively and not the whole 
thing everytime something changes ? 
:slightly_smiling_face:<br><strong>@dlavoie: </strong>I'm personnaly 
maintaining a forked of pinot where I apply `mvn -f src/pom.xml --batch-mode 
release:update-versions -DdevelopmentVersion=0.5.0-SNAPSHOT` and it just makes 
life easier when recompiling.<br><strong>@mayanks: </strong>Don’t be so selfish 
@dlavoie, spread the kindness :stuck_out_tongue:<br><strong>@dlavoie: 
</strong>dhaha! It will impact the release proccess and I haven't taken the 
time to assert the impact of moving to fixed version in all our poms :wink: 
That's in my backlog<br><strong>@g.kishore: </strong>i also find it painful 
that we cant compile a single module anymore, I am sure we were able to do 
this<br><strong>@moradi.sajjad: </strong>A design doc for inconsistency 
problems around time boundary calculation in pinot brokers:
 </strong>please review and leave your comments.<br><strong>@mayanks: 
</strong>Thanks @moradi.sajjad<br>

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