Dear Community,

TL;DR, Pinot will remove PQL query endpoint and response format 
 after 0.9.0 release, only SQL endpoint 
 is supported afterward.

Apache Pinot has been supporting the Calcite SQL query endpoint from 0.3.0 (Mar 
2020) and deprecating the PQL query endpoint for more than a year.

Now we are seeing more obstacles to maintain two code paths for PQL & SQL for 
adding new functionalities, query optimization, behavior handling, etc.

So we decide to remove the PQL query path and endpoint. If you are still on the 
PQL query path, please migrate to SQL endpoint: 

Current timeline is driven by the next Apache Pinot release:

1. Apache Pinot 0.9.0 release (ETA Release date: Oct/Nov 2021) is the last 
official Pinot release that supports PQL.
2. Apache Pinot master branch will remove PQL support once the 0.9.0 release is 
cut, and no PQL support from the 0.10.0 release.


Xiang Fu

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