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@diana.arnos: hey there :wave: I'm not able to make partial upserts work on 0.9.0 and the error messages are not helpful. the partial upserts did work previously, I have no idea what is happening. Can someone help me? This kinda blocks me to deliver my app to prod :sob: More info (such as config files and error messages) .
  @mayanks: @jackie.jxt just fixed an issue in master, so adding him to the thread
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@nair.a: Hi Team, We have configured HDFS as deep storage for pinot cluster. Upon checking the segment.realtime.download.url , it is pointing to controllers storage path Url: returned Path: /tmp/data/PinotController/max_reporting_aggregations/max_reporting_aggregations__0__150__20211127T0641Z *Shouldn't this segment get stored at HDFS location?* Below are the controller's and server's config. Controller Config: ```# Pinot Role pinot.service.role=CONTROLLER # Pinot Cluster name pinot.cluster.name=MAX-Pinot # Pinot Zookeeper Server pinot.zk.server=c81:2181 # Use hostname as Pinot Instance ID other than IP pinot.set.instance.id.to.hostname=true # Pinot Controller Port controller.port=9000 # Pinot Controller VIP Host controller.vip.host=c81 # Pinot Controller VIP Port controller.vip.port=9000 # Location to store Pinot Segments pushed from clients controller.data.dir= controller.task.frequencyPeriod=3600 controller.local.temp.dir=/opt/pinot/host/ controller.enable.split.commit=true controller.access.protocols.http.port=9000 controller.helix.cluster.name=MAX-Pinot pinot.controller.segment.fetcher.protocols=file,http,hdfs pinot.controller.storage.factory.class.hdfs=org.apache.pinot.plugin.filesystem.HadoopPinotFS pinot.controller.storage.factory.hdfs.hadoop.conf.path=/opt/pinot/hadoop/etc/hadoop pinot.controller.segment.fetcher.hdfs.class=org.apache.pinot.common.utils.fetcher.PinotFSSegmentFetcher pinot.server.grpc.enable=true``` Server Config: ```# Pinot Role pinot.service.role=SERVER # Pinot Cluster name pinot.cluster.name=MAX-Pinot # Pinot Zookeeper Server pinot.zk.server=c81:2181 # Use hostname as Pinot Instance ID other than IP pinot.set.instance.id.to.hostname=true # Pinot Server Netty Port for queris pinot.server.netty.port=8098 # Pinot Server Admin API port pinot.server.adminapi.port=8097 # Pinot Server Data Directory pinot.server.instance.dataDir=/opt/pinot/host/data/server/index # Pinot Server Temporary Segment Tar Directory pinot.server.instance.segmentTarDir=/opt/pinot/host/data/server/segmentTar pinot.server.consumerDir=/opt/pinot/host/data/server/consumer pinot.server.instance.enable.split.commit=true pinot.server.instance.reload.consumingSegment=true pinot.server.segment.fetcher.protocols=file,http,hdfs pinot.server.segment.fetcher.hdfs.class=org.apache.pinot.common.utils.fetcher.PinotFSSegmentFetcher pinot.server.storage.factory.class.hdfs=org.apache.pinot.plugin.filesystem.HadoopPinotFS pinot.server.storage.factory.hdfs.hadoop.conf.path=/opt/pinot/hadoop/etc/hadoop pinot.server.grpc.enable=true pinot.server.grpc.port=8090 pinot.server.query.executor.timeout=100000 pinot.server.instance.realtime.alloc.offheap=true```
  @mayanks: The download url should point to HDFS path. Can you check if PinotFS is initialized to HDFS in controller logs?
@tiger: Hi, I'm trying to use the Trino/Pinot connector but I'm seeing some strange behavior. Queries such as `select * from pinot.default.table` seem to just run forever without returning any results. But queries like `select max(col) from pinot.default.table` seem to run fine. It looks like I have to do some sort of aggregation or group by in order for the query to run. I can't seem to just select rows. Is this behavior expected?
  @mayanks: @xiangfu0 ^^
  @xiangfu0: have you tried ran with a limit X for your select * query?
  @tiger: yep I've tried with a limit
  @tiger: As another example: `select col from pinot.default.table limit 10` seems to run forever without returning. `select col from pinot.default.table group by col limit 10` works
  @tiger: Actually this seems to be fixed after upgrading trino


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