> Greg, you didn't detail many of the "number of issues" with WeakReferences,

Most of them are related to different approaches we might take to support weak 
references - I left them out because there are other stronger arguments against 
weak references and didn't want to muddy the rest of the email.

> in my experience WeakReferences
> are better since the lifecycle of the listener is generally (90%+)
> equivalent to the lifecycle of the component that defines the listener.

I mentioned this in my previous email, and I think it is actually a much 
stronger argument for strong references: In this case, you don't need to worry 
about unregistering the listener anyways, so weak references add almost no 

> One issue mentioned is the use of an anonymous inner class (a questionable
> pattern anyway)

Anonymous inner classes are not a questionable design pattern. They have a 
valid use case in event handling, also described in my previous email. Once you 
get used to the syntax (which I'll admit seemed a bit strange at first), they 
become quite useful. To me, they are somewhat akin to closures, which also 
seemed strange at first but are the cornerstone of many currently popular 

> when annotations are available users generally use that
> more terse route rather than using an anonymous class.

I am not familiar with techniques for using annotations to replace anonymous 
inner classes. Can you provide some examples?

> I think the encapsulation argument  is extremely weak.  Firstly, most UI
> developers don't care too much about building extensible classes

It's not a question of extensibility - it is about method visibility. When your 
class implements an interface, all listener methods by necessity become public. 
Any other class can now invoke the listener method, effectively spoofing the 
event. This is a poor design that inner classes allow you to avoid.

Also, if your class needs to respond to multiple events, it must now implement 
multiple interfaces. This further bloats its public API and exposes it to 
additional misuse.

> Lastly, if you don't like that idea, you can easily create private fields 
> that are listeners.

I'm not sure how you could do this without inner classes.

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