The Prompt body looks like this (__DATE__ and __TIME__ and so forth get 
preprocessed into real values):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<BoxPane xmlns:wtkx="";
    <Label wtkx:id="aboutVersionLabel" text="%aboutVersionLabel" 
styles="{font:{italic:true, bold:true, size:11}}"/>
    <Label text="%copyright" styles="{font:{size:11}}"/>
    <Label text="Built on $(__DATE__) at $(__TIME__)" styles="{font:{size:9}}"/>
    <Label text="Java version $(__JAVA_VERSION__)" styles="{font:{size:9}}"/>

The resources for this look like:
    "copyright": "版权所有(c) 2010安格尔公司", 
    "aboutVersionLabel": "版本%1$s",

And the code to do the formatting and everything looks like this:
        public void aboutRequested() {
                BoxPane body = (BoxPane)readObject("about", this);
(String)resources.get("mainAppTitle"), body, mainWindow);

It will take me a little bit to try the "Window (maximized)" test you 
suggested.  I will let you know.

BTW, the same thing happens with Japanese.

I used the same code as in because I am also doing the same 
thing:  passing "--language=blah" on the command-line, so I have to dynamically 
pick a suitable font on the user machine.

Roger Whitcomb | Architect, Engineering | | Ingres | 
500 Arguello Street | Suite 200 | Redwood City | CA | 94063 | USA  +1 
650-587-5596 | fax: +1 650-587-5550

-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Brown [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: Small drawing problem with Chinese-compatible font

How are you generating that text? It looks like you are using an a Prompt with 
a custom body. What does the source code for the body look like? What happens 
if you place this text in the following hierarchy?

Window (maximized)/BoxPane (horizontal)/Label (using Chinese font)

FYI, you don't need to programmatically select a compatible font if you already 
know of one that will work. In that case, you can just call Theme.setFont() 

On Sep 21, 2010, at 3:43 PM, Roger Whitcomb wrote:

> I’m seeing a clipping problem with italic text when using a 
> Chinese-compatible font.  This is 1.5.2 (latest as of today) on Windows XP 
> SP3:
> <image001.png>
> In my application, I basically copied the code for font selection from 
> “” in the Tutorials section:
>            Theme theme = Theme.getTheme();
>            Font font = theme.getFont();
>            // Search for a font that can support the sample string
>            String sampleResource = resources.getString("mainAppTitle");
>            if (font.canDisplayUpTo(sampleResource) != -1) {
>               Font[] fonts = 
> GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getAllFonts();
>               for (int i = 0; i < fonts.length; i++) {
>                   if (fonts[i].canDisplayUpTo(sampleResource) == -1) {
>                      theme.setFont(fonts[i].deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, 12));
>                      break;
>                   }
>               }
>            }
> So, am I doing something wrong, or is this a bug??  Thanks.
> Roger Whitcomb
> Architect, Engineering
> Ingres Corporation
> PHONE +1 650.587.5596
> FAX +1 650.587.5550
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