FYI, I created PIVOT-750 in JIRA to track this.


On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 9:50 AM, Greg Brown <> wrote:
> Moving this to dev since it does not contain any private information.
> 1) Looks like the site navigation needs some additional links to 
> "Sponsorship", "Thanks", and "Security". We have some of these on 
> second-level pages, but not in the main nav. They'll have to go in the bottom 
> nav since there's no place to put them at the top.
> 2) We're supposed to add a trademark symbol to the logo, but I'm not sure how 
> we might do that. Maybe we can get in touch with Thien who designed the 
> original logo for help.
> 3) The introductory text needs to include a "TM" symbol:
> "Apache Pivot™ is an open-source platform..."
> 4) This needs to be added to the page footer:
> "Apache Pivot, Pivot, Apache, and the Apache Pivot project logo are 
> trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation."
> 5) Finally, it looks like we'll need a DOAP file:
> Any volunteers?  :-)
> On Jun 1, 2011, at 7:23 PM, Sandro Martini wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Greg/Todd, have you got a plan for the checklist for Pivot (
>> ), as requested
>> until Q1 2011 ? And on things to fix (who, when, etc ...) ?
>> If I remember well something has already been done some time ago, but
>> work on this has not been completed ...
>> For what I've just read I think thare are some small things to fix in
>> our Web Site, like:
>> - some missing links to apache main web site and to other apache
>> branding pages,
>> - trademarks in main logo,
>> - additional logo missing (Powered by ...),
>> - removing non-apache hosted links from primary pages (like that for
>> JFreeChart provider),
>> - Project Metadata are we ok ?,
>> - etc ...
>> Comments ?
>> Bye,
>> Sandro
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Shane Curcuru <>
>> Date: 2011/5/31
>> Subject: [ACTION] PMCs are responsible for managing their project brand
>> To:
>> As Apache grows in the number and importance of our projects, it is
>> vitally important to ensure that we manage the Apache brand and our
>> project brands.  Ensuring that Apache and our PMCs control both the
>> technical future of our projects as well as their brands - the public
>> perception of what we do - helps to ensure our PMCs can continue to
>> manage their projects independently for the future.
>> To clarify the board's expectations PMCs, trademarks@ has documented
>> the PMC Branding Responsibilities [1] which PMC members should read.
>> We've also published a basic set of Apache Trademark Reporting
>> Guidelines [2] that describe how PMCs can manage their brand and
>> should contact third parties that may be misusing their project names
>> or logos.
>> * PMC CHAIR ACTION: All PMCs must report compliance with the Apache
>> Project Branding Requirements, including the detailed checklist [3] in
>> their board reports until all items are completed.  Thanks to the
>> projects that have reported their status.
>> * IMPORTANT: please note there was a bug in the original Project
>> Branding Requirements (sorry!).  Trademarks must always be used as
>> *adjectives*, not as *nouns* as was originally stated.  That means
>> that for the Project Naming [4], at least the first/most prominent
>> description of any product should be updated to use the trademark
>> (your product name) as an adjective.  Example:
>> "The Apache Xerces XML parsing library is easily configurable and
>> compliant with current standards"
>> Here, Xerces is a trademark for our parsing library.
>> * NOTE that a number of projects have not yet reported their branding
>> status checklist.  trademarks@ or the board will be contacting those
>> projects if a checklist is not included in their next report.
>> Thanks - and send your questions or suggestions to trademarks@
>> - Shane Curcuru
>> VP, Brand Management, The Apache Software Foundation
>>    bcc: board@
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]

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