On lun, 2011-06-27 at 15:28 -0400, Greg Brown wrote:
> >>>> Perhaps, but then the user could bypass the validation by invoking the 
> >>>> setter directly. 
> >>> Yes is true, but It is the same that property binding. If you call a 
> >>> setter directly nobody is notified of the change. 
> >> 
> >> Not sure what type of property binding you are referring to, but all Pivot 
> >> bean properties fire change events.
> >> 
> > 
> > I was talking about a user JavaBean. For example in a Form, if you call
> > a set method in response of a button event instead of the
> > JavaBeanAdapter.
> I'm a little confused. I'm not familiar with the term "user JavaBean". Is 
> this simply a client-side bean, versus an EJB? Also, when you say 
> "JavaBeanAdapter", do you mean Pivot's BeanAdapter class?
Ok, well, if I remember, any class in java is a java bean (or JavaBean),
in fact I was talking about a POJO (Plain Old Java Object).

And yes, JavaBeanAdapter is the pivot's one, sorry I think it's name was
JavaBeanAdapter instead of BeanAdapter.

> >>> I think that you like declaring validations at UI level instead of data 
> >>> level.
> >> 
> >> Not necessarily. I think that certain validations make sense in the bean 
> >> itself, but others may be more appropriate for the UI to perform.
> >> 
> > 
> > Ok, so a mix of both. Can you give me some examples of UI validation ?
> Not off the top of my head. You were the one that suggested splitting 
> validation between the bean and the UI, so I thought maybe you had some 
> particular examples in mind.  ;-)  I'm just saying I'm not necessarily 
> opposed to it.
Ok, I will think more about it, because I only see validation on data
model for now.

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