I don't think 2G is a reasonable value as a default -- this will for
sure fill up memory in the default JVM configurations.  But, for me,
65000 is way too small.  So, I think somewhere around 1-2MB would be a
more reasonable default.

~Roger Whitcomb

-----Original Message-----
From: Sandro Martini [mailto:sandro.mart...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 7:13 AM
To: Users - Apache Pivot; Developers - Apache Pivot
Subject: default value of maximumLength in TextInput and similar classes

Hi all,
looking at TextInput, I have just seen that the maximumLength attribute
value has a default value big (and this is Ok), but it has the
Integer.MAX_VALUE (approx. 2^32) ... so to avoid memory problems, crash
attacks, etc (and so the need for any application to change it to a
lower, safer value) I think that a default max level near 65000 chars
could be more that enough (but I repeat, only as default
maximumLength) ... if someone need an higher value it only need to call
the related setter and put a value up to Integer.MAX_VALUE ...

Note that the same attribute exist even in TextArea, and even here I'd
like to lower that default, but I know that with a lot of text the
current value could makes sense ... suggestions ?

What do you think ?
I'd like to put even this small change in 2.0.3 (now, near, really) in a
related jira issue, just to have it in release notes.

Unless objections I'll commit at the beginning on next week.

And last, what do you think if I'd add this attribute even in Label ?

Tell me.

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