As anyone who has followed the Pivot project for any time will know, the 
project has not gotten much, if any, involvement for a number of years now. We 
are seriously behind the curve in keeping up with major changes such as the 
permanent deprecation of the Applet class in Java, which renders even the 
source code uncompilable with the latest JDKs.

I have been undertaking efforts to make a “terminal” release (probably version 
2.1.0) of PIvot for some years now, but even these efforts have stalled now 
that my $dayjob no longer involves Pivot (actually I’m retired from the work 
world now).

After many discussions with the ASF Board, and other members, we have 
tentatively made the decision to move Pivot to the Attic …. AT SOME POINT. The 
Board suggested that before we take a formal vote on that, we should notify 
everyone involved of this impending decision.

So, there you go.  Here is your notice that the Apache Pivot project is heading 
for the Apache Attic in the “near future”, so anyone using it should make plans 
to stabilize your own projects, and/or move to an alternative platform (likely 
either JavaFX or some Eclipse-based framework, which are still being actively 

It especially pains me personally to have to make this announcement, but … such 
is life sometimes.

Roger Whitcomb
Apache Pivot PMC Chair
ASF Member

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